Question: My daughter is 9 and has a very very hard time with bentching. Would it be ok to have her bentch just the first paragraph? Even that Is…
Question: My daughter is 9 and has a very very hard time with bentching. Would it be ok to have her bentch just the first paragraph? Even that Is…
Question: I am a melamed in 6th grade. I would like to teach the class how to tie tzitzis, and have every talmid tie tzitzis for themselves. My question…
Question: This may be more of a "chassidishe rov" question than a pure halacha question, but I would still be happy to hear your thoughts. My wife and I…
Q. Is there an Inyan in having the Areinfirenish the same day as the Upsherenish? A. No. Q. Does it make sense to have the Upsherenish after davening,…
Question: When should a boy whose hair is cut after his third birthday (his birthday is during sefira) start wearing kippa and tzitzis? Answer: The Rebbe writes that…
Question: My brother, 12 years old, used to have a lop top and stopped using it years ago. Since I needed a lop top I asked him to look…
The Gemara teaches us that a father should not lend money to his children with Ribbis, due to the concern that they will become accustomed to this. It would…
שאלה: ישנה אישה שמבקשת מאוד ונפשה בשאלתה כי יביאו לה אבן קטנה שהונחה בציון הקדוש. היא רואה זאת כסגולה. האם מותר הדבר? או שהוא נכלל בגדר של איסור הנאה…
Regarding after Bar Mitzvah: Can the garment of the 2 shoulders on the sides of the hole count towards the front/back Amos? I vaguely recall Reb Chaim Naeh writing…
For example: To say the first couple lines of asher yatzar (repeating after the teacher word by word). Once they've mastered this, to add on another line etc. …
Question: From the 5 rules of שבא, children typically aren’t taught the rules relating to תנועה גדולה/קטנה. Nor are they taught the שבא rules of the רז"ה. a) Should…
You may let children color or paint on Chol Hamoed, as long as it doesn’t produce professional results. Sources: חול המועד כהלכתו פ"ו סעי' פד. דהוי צורך המועד…
If it has no water, yes. PS Some are lenient with children before the age of chinuch with gebrokts in general. Others are lenient to put the cream cheese…
Question: If a child who is the age of Chinuch was sleeping and missed Havdala, should he make/hear Havdala on Sunday morning? Answer: Yes, although some are lenient…
Question: I recall reading in Igros Kodesh that the Rebbe instructs not to take a baby under 1 year overseas. Question: Is the issue only to go overseas (plane),…
It should be pronounced as "Hashem" without saying the actual name, because it’s not a Posuk. #13001
Question continued: Is there any source for what people say that a child should not begin to wear Tzitzis until they are toilet trained? Is there any source pro…
Yes, it is problematic, though of course it is permissible according to Halacha. In general the Rebbe spoke about the importance that children should only see Kosher animals and…
We're working on toilet training a 4 year old who's been a difficult customer. He is now wearing a wetness alarm that goes off if there is an accident. Not…
האם צריך למחות במי שלומד בליל הניטל? ומה אם זה ילד?
אף שמנהג זה יסודתו בהררי קודש ונתפשט בתפוצות ישראל, ולא רק אצל חסידים, ונהגו בו מדורי דורות, כידוע ומפורסם, ומילא מובן גם שיש לחנך הילדים לקיים המנהג - מעולם…