אורח חיים


Is a woman allowed to tie tzitzis for boys?

Davening for Women:

Minimum for Women’s Davening

Full Davening or Chitas?

Do women in Chabad say the Brocho of שעשני כרצונו?

Are women supposed to say הריני מקבל or switch the wording to מקבלת?

Should women and girls also cover their foreheads with their sleeves when saying Nefilas Apayim?

Women Spiting & Bowing By Aleinu

Women Spiting by Aleinu

Can a woman Daven Shacharis past Chatzos? What does she do if she misses the time for Shacharis?



Is there any reason why women don’t do Mayim Achronim?

Do women need to answer to a Zimun?


Do women Bench Hagomel?

Ma’ariv, Krias Shema, Sleep:

Are Women Obligated to Daven Ma’ariv?

See below regarding Kabolas Shabbos

Are women obligated halachically to say Shema before sleeping at night? If yes, what parts?


Should a woman say the Yehi Ratzon and Ribon HaOlamim in Krias Shema Al Hamitah?


May I sleep on my back, and without a pillow? I am a woman.

Women and Shabbos:

Is there a special requirement that women Daven Friday night?

Is it better for my wife to make her own Kiddush, or for me to make Kiddush a second time?

Is it permitted to crochet on Motzei Shabbos? I’ve heard that women can’t sew on Motzei Shabbos.


Yomim Tovim:

Are women required to recite Selichos?

Should women be kneeling during Aleinu on Rosh Hashana/Yom Kippur?

Are women obligated in Machatzis Hashekel on Taanis Ester? If yes, is a women’s obligation fulfilled through her husband? Also, should a father give Machatzis Hashekel for his baby?

If a woman herself gives Machatzis Hashekel, Should her husband also give for her, or its unnecessary?

May I woman make a Siyum on a Mesechta (not for men)?


יורה דעה:

May a woman who is Niddah go to the Ohel?

Can a woman wear a man’s undershirt under her shirt so her blouse won’t be see-through?


Can I put up Mezuzos myself or do I need to find a man to do it for me?



What types of improper thoughts are prohibited for women?

Intoxication of Females

Can a few women split the daily Chitas between themselves?