Question: I saw 2 different נוסחות in haneiros halalu in Chabad siddurim ״ואין לנו רשות להשתמש בָּהֵן״; some say with a tzeirei and some with a segol. Is there…
Question: I saw 2 different נוסחות in haneiros halalu in Chabad siddurim ״ואין לנו רשות להשתמש בָּהֵן״; some say with a tzeirei and some with a segol. Is there…
Question: How does the Rav explain the clear contradictions between Shaar Hakavanot and the Alter Rebbe’s Siddur? For example, in Shaar Hakavanot, Inyan Nusah Hatefila R' Haim Vital expounds:…
בקמץ. מקורות: כ״ה בד׳ סידורי חב״ד ובסידור השל״ה (קונטרס הסידור להגרא״ח ע״ה נאה), וכ״ה בתהלים אהל יוסף יצחק. וכ״ה גם בסידור ר״ש סופר, סידור הרמ״ק, ועוד. וכן כמעט…
Question: Someone told me that the Alter Rebbe's Siddur is not the real Nusach Ari, because more recently they found in Shaar Hakavonos that Reb Chaim Vital writes that…
Question: Is there a source for us saying עול הגוים instead of עול גלות in bentching? Is it something everyone should do? If yes, is there a reason that…
There is no clear conclusive evidence one way or another. Although the phrase K’mo Shehodata is technically more correct, K’hodata can also be used. The common nusach in many…
Question: We have an old shul (70+ years) which was founded to daven nusach sefard. In the recent two decades, all of the original members of the shul have…
Question: If I daven Nusach Ari, and I am davening in a minyan for maariv that davens Nusach Sefard, do I say Amen to the additional Beracha between Hashkiveinu…
We say והמרחם in every Tefilla which does not have 18 (or 19) Berochos, such as Shabbos, Yom Tov, Musaf of Rosh Chodesh and Musaf of Chol Hamoed. We…
Daven our Nusach quietly. מחלוקת אחרונים. והרבה טעמים לקולא - לא תתגודדו במנהגא כשאי״ב איסור - פס״ד להצ״צ או״ח ח, ב ד״ה והנה. וראה בהערת מו״ל שבסוה״ס במהדו״ח…