Question: I usually wear a mask when between people indoors, not on the street. If I want to go to shul Shabbos does this present a problem of carrying?…
Question: I usually wear a mask when between people indoors, not on the street. If I want to go to shul Shabbos does this present a problem of carrying?…
Question: Due to COVID-19, I did not have the chance to Toivel some Keilim for last year's Pesach, so I instead gave them to a non-Jew and then borrowed…
Question: My doctor told me to get the vaccine. I scheduled my appointment to get it next Sunday. They said that 3 weeks later I need to get the…
Question: In a few days will be the anniversary of my entering the hospital with corona, r"l. My question is, when and how to celebrate my miraculous recovery. Three…
Question Continued: This year it is nearly impossible to get 100 people to be socially distanced hear Megillah. As Shluchim, we'd like to make a drive in event. Would…
Would not wearing a mask in public spaces (when the law demands doing so) result in a Chillul HaShem? Yes, if a religious person would not abide by the…
No. But you should say the following phrase before receiving the vaccine: יהי רצון שיהיה לי לרפואה ראה בארוכה בשאלה 1642: #12735
לעשות שליח לקרוא שם על יד ספר תורה בהמנין כנהוג. מקורות: ראה לקו"ש חי"ד ע' 250, חי"ב ע' 182, אג"ק חכ"ב ע' ר"ס ועוד, ובקונטרס שמא גרים פרק…
שאלה: ראיתי בתשובת א׳ הרבנים שליט"א שנוטה לומר שבן 60 שהיה לו חום לכ"ד שעות מהוירוס של קורונה צריך לברך ברכת הגומל, אפילו אם לא היו לו בעיות נשימה…
Question: I received a message on my WhatsApp from... explaining why the COVID vaccine is not to be used. I am definitely hesitant about taking it. I am curious…
להגנה מותר. מקורות: ה״ז דומה לוויטמינים שהאג"מ או"ח ג, נד, וציץ אליעזר יד, נ, ועוד מתירים אם לוקחים אותם רק להגנה ולא להתחזק (ודלא כשש"כ לד הע׳ פה…
Question: Should someone who is about to go on a ventilator due to Covid 19 say Shema and Vidui as statistically there is a greater chance of one dying…
מכתב כז אלול קורונה
For someone who davens without a minyan, there is no obligation to say Piyutim, but it is certainly appropriate to do so. This may not be done during one’s…
No. Sources: חיי״א קמח, י. זכר יהוסף או״ח רכז. שד״ח ד מינים ג, יח. משנ״ב תרנא, לג. שו״ת משנ״ה יא, תקכ. רבבות אפרים א, תכא, כו. ודנו בזה…
I see many articles about Covid & Shofar blowing, many people are suggesting to put a mask over the end of the Shofar. From what I understand from the…
It should be בשעה טובה ומוצלחת. A Bris must be done by a qualified mohel, not a doctor etc. I can not think of any options other than waiting…
Covid-19 Second Wave According to Halacha As long as you follow medical guidelines you are okay. #9806
Full Question: I generally wear a mask indoors in stores, etc. because of its protective effect (especially for others). I have the following shaila - When it comes to…
FREE TRANSLATION B”H, 10 Sivan 5780 Related to travel (for the foreseeable future, including Gimmel Tammuz): At this time, we do not regard air travel as safe for…