Is pronouncing קמץ י problematic as it sounds like Hashem’s name?
Question: Would it be considered pronouncing Hashem's name (Yud-Kay) when pronouncing a yud with the vowel patach or Kamatz being that they have the same pronunciation? Can I read…
Question: Would it be considered pronouncing Hashem's name (Yud-Kay) when pronouncing a yud with the vowel patach or Kamatz being that they have the same pronunciation? Can I read…
Question: B"h my wife is due around yom tov. Her doctor is based out of a hospital in Staten Island. Can we go there from Crown Heights on Shabbos/Yom…
This post has been compiled from all questions on this topic we have received and answered over the years, thus it includes all the information from all other posts…
Question: My friend has an elderly and frail mother. She wakes up early on Shabbos morning and davens almost right away. It's hard for her to make kiddush, so…
קול המון כקול ש-די
שאלה: שמעתי הקלטה של הרב ובו מזכיר פסוק ״קול המון כקול ש-די״. והנני בזה להודיע שכבוד הרב המציא פסוק, שלא קיים כפשוט. ומקורו באימרה לטינית. מענה: ת״ל שאינני…
No. Sources: נחלקו בזה, ותלוי אם אהל שמחזיק ביד נקרא אהל, ובפרט שמטרתו להגן - ראה פת״ז תרכז, א (כשאינה גבוהה עשרה. אלא שאין לברך שאין הדבר מוכרע).…
Question: I cant talk for a couple days in order to heal a throat muscle strain. Saying even a few words, whispering or mouthing is harmful to the strain.…
ההוראה להש״צ ב770 לחזור לתחילת הברכה
שאלה: שמעתי שביום שמחת תורה טעה הש״צ ב770 ואמר מוריד הטל במקום הגשם והרב אמר לו לחזור לתחילת הברכה. האם נכונה השמועה? ומהי הסיבה לכך, שהרי מן הדין אין…
Similar Question: Can one make a sukkah by removing T tops and placing a mat on top, into a kosher albeit, temporary sukkah? Both sides of the roof would be…
Question: Sometimes the Chazan finishes early and takes 3 steps forward to learn/recite tehilim by the amud for comfort while waiting for Tisha onim. 1. Does he need to…
האם זה שהקפידו חסידים בטבילת עזרא, הוא רק לגבי תפלה (שמו”ע) או גם לגבי ברכת השחר והמפיל, וקריאת שמע קטנה?
מענה: הרבה הקפידו גם בשאר ברכות. וכל שכן בקריאת שמע קטנה. כמובן, כל זה כשאפשר. ולא לדחות ח״ו ק״ש בזמנה. או ברכת המפיל. מקורות: ראה המצויין אצלנו כאן…
Question: Is there an issue with folding copies of learning material (such as a farbrengen) that were printed before Shabbos and stapled in the center, into a usable kovetz…
Question: I have seasonal allergies, during the week I put eye drops to calm the pain. On Shabbos I was not sure if I am allowed to. I did…
Question: I suffer from dry eyes and almost every day I put in eye drops one to four times to alleviate the dryness. Can I do so on Yom…
היסח הדעת means that you don't have in mind to smell more and then changed your mind. If you do have in mind to smell more, even if it…
Question: My friend and I are working on an app that will allow someone to give Tzedaka the maximum frequency throughout the day. So, if “Shalom Aleicha Rebbe” (3…
Question: If one is Davening Slichos with a Minyan, but is running behind (or he entered the Shul late), and therefore didn't say מחי ומסי with the Minyan, and…
Yes, Selichos is said regularly. As for the Baalei Habris, they too recite Selichos, but skip Vidui (Ashamnu) and Tachanun (Vayomer David). Sources: ראה בין הדברים כאן לגבי…
Question: I found a Machzor for Yom Kippur in the prison chapel library, amongst goyish books. Since some inmates take the books and desecrate them and since, as far…
No, since she says shehechyanu. If not, is it ok to light in Shul? No, she may not light in shul. וראה כאן: #11241