Question: There is an eruv chatzeiros in my Crown Heights building which is mostly filled with Yidden. Does that Eruv extend to include the building's roof? Nobody lives on…
Question: There is an eruv chatzeiros in my Crown Heights building which is mostly filled with Yidden. Does that Eruv extend to include the building's roof? Nobody lives on…
One can rinse fruits in their plastic containers. These containers have holes and therefore there’s no problem with borer at all. If there are no holes it is still…
Question: If I'm at a meal in Crown Heights on Shabbos and someone brings a bottle of wine to the meal on Shabbos can I drink from that wine,…
Questions: If someone lives in a community like Crown Heights in which constructing an eruv is halachically problematic, A) Is one allowed to make an Eruv around their property…
Question: I live in an apartment building, and the only way to get it in is through an electronic door. I normally wait for a car to drive through…
Question: I need an electric key to enter the building I live in (attached is a picture of the key). On Shabbos, they try to put something in the…
Question: When using a towel as a scarf to go to the Mikva on Shabbos, does it need to be wrapped around the neck or does it suffice to…
Yes, provided that the shirt is not tucked in and that there is no bendel or belt around the shirt. In regards to wearing a towel as a…
The custom is not to put out the match after lighting Shabbos candles, rather you should put it down and let it go out by itself. Sources: Based on…
Question: If two women need to light Shabbos candles and there are only two candles in total what is the preferred action: Should they both hold the match and…
Question: I saw some Poskim permit using regular lotion on Shabbos even to treat a bad case of chapped hands, being that it's used even for healthy hands. What…
האם קטנה יכולה לעשות הבדלה עבור אשה?
העיקר להלכה שנשים חייבות בהבדלה (מדברי סופרים), ולפי זה גדולה אינה יכולה לצאת ידי חובה ע"י קטנה. טעמים ומקורות: עיין שו"ע אדה"ז סי' רצ"ו סי"ט, שהעיקר להלכה שנשים…
Question: Dear Rabbi, I saw a contemporary posek write (Rabbi Ribiat 39 melochos vol. 2 p, 488) that using cough drops on Shabbos is not allowed. What is your…
Question: When I prepare a bowl of cereal on Shabbos, I was told that I need to do it with a shinui (by placing the milk inside first), is…
Permitted. However, you must ensure to remove it before entering a bathroom or any other unclean place. It may also not be worn or be in the room during…
It is only allowed If: The workers would not place the garbage into the compactor or take out the garbage to the street (in a place where there is…
Question: If an adult takes vitamins daily, is it ok to take on Shabbos? Answer: There is a dispute among poskim about this. Therefore, it should not be…
האם מותר לשתות תה אם בטעות הכנתי אותו בשבת באופן ששפכתי עליו מים חמים ממיחם שכלי ראשון
אם התה היה בתוך שקית, מותר לשתות המים. טעמים ומקורות: ראה מג״א שיח, לב. שוע״ר שם כ. ואף שבדבר התלוי בפלוגתא, מקילים בדיעבד - ראה במשנ״ב שם ב…
Putting salt in cold water (or other liquids) on Shabbos: For pickling purposes - it is forbidden, even if one will immediately eat some of the foods being pickled.…
Yes as long as it was done on a weekday. In this case, you should specify that you’re charging for the preparation done years ago. Sources: בגוף הענין…