What should we do if we forgot to turn off the door chime from the alarm system before Shabbos?



We have a home alarm system and when a window or door is opened (if the alarm is active) it sets off an alarm. If the alarm is off there is a low chime sound when a door is opened or closed. For Shabbas and Yom Tov there is a switch on every door that can take that door out of the alarm circuit, so when the switch is flipped nothing happens when the door opens or shuts.

This week for the first time we forgot to turn off the chime. We realized when the door was open. So the question is, what should have we done in such a situation? Leaving the door open is not safe (it is not the safest of cities). In addition, many bugs and insects are attracted to the light inside. I tried to find a goy to close the door and flip the switch but I was not successful it was late at night. Also when the door is shut can we then flip the switch or should we stay indoors the entire Shabbas?



If it is possible not to close the door, or not open the door when the chime is activated, that is the proper approach.

If there is an absolute necessity for the door to be opened or closed it can be done with a שינוי a non-regular way of opening/closing the door.

סגירת הדלת היא פסיק רישא דלא ניחא ליה ובדרבנן, וגם ע״י שינוי.

ובמקום צורך גדול דוקא.


