I live in an apartment building, and the only way to get it in is through an electronic door…



I live in an apartment building, and the only way to get it in is through an electronic door. I normally wait for a car to drive through the garage door and follow it. Today, I walked up to the garage door and it opened, and there was no car around. I suspect that my non-Jewish neighbor saw me waiting for a passing car and did me a favor and opened the garage door through his remote control. Am I allowed to walk in?



In general, one may not benefit from a Melacha that a Goy has performed for him on Shabbos.

But in this case, being that it is a Psik Reisha, it would be permitted even to ask a Goy to open the door for you.



שוע”ר רמ”ד, א. רעו, א. ויש להעיר מסס”ט שם ודו”ק.

ולעניננו ה”ז פס”ר דמותר ע”י גוי. ראה שוע”ר רנג, י.


See also here:

How can I enter my building on Shabbos if the door can only be opened with an electric key?

הנני מחמיר שלא לפתוח בקבוקים בשבת. ורצוני לדעת אם יש מקום היתר לפתוח על ידי גוי


