Question: If hot beans (with no liquid) was put in a kli shlishi and it is still yad soledes, would it be allowed to melt cheese on top of…
Question: If hot beans (with no liquid) was put in a kli shlishi and it is still yad soledes, would it be allowed to melt cheese on top of…
The hot plate is electric and does not have any adjustment options. Does the hot plate need to be covered with foil? Does the food need to go over…
Question: I want to use a “crock pot plastic bag” to line the pot to prevent it from getting dirty - are there any halachic concerns with using these…
Question: According to the svara that something that gets cooked in a Kli Shlishi is assur to put in a Kli Shlishi, lichora the only heter for tea leaves…
You may. Hatmana is for the purpose of keeping or adding heat. The silver foil is for the purpose of practicality and cleanliness etc. If that purpose was already…
Question: If food is fully cooked before Shabbos, can the pot it is in be uncovered and Re-covered while it is on the blech as it seems to be…
The soup is completely cooked and wrapped in a towel before Shabbos. It usually settles and the thickness goes to the bottom of the pot. Can I stir it…
To schedule it before Shabbos to turn off: There’s no issue. To schedule it to turn (back) on: If it is a food that involves a prohibition of…
It would depend on the type of water heater. One would have to determine how their specific water heater works. There are two main types of heaters: tank heaters…
מכיוון שמדובר בתבשיל יבש לגמרי ומבושל כבר לגמרי לפני שבת, ע"כ מותר לחמם את המאכל בשבת (כי אין בישול אחר בישול בדבר יבש), אבל זה מותר רק באופן ששמים את זה סמוך לאש…
You cannot melt it on Shabbos. If it's already melted you may massage it lightly for pleasure. Otherwise, one may not give a massage on Shabbos. Sources: להמיס…
Question: I have a question about cooking a roast in a bag in the crockpot. I fill the pot with water and potatoes I put the meat in a…
Oven that's still on - No. כך נפסק בכ"מ, ראה לדוגמא שו"ע אדה"ז רנג, טו. Oven that's off - strictly speaking, yes, provided it’s not scheduled to turn…
Shabbos you may add hot water even from a kli rishon as it will not be able to cook the water. You may add hot water on yom tov…
One may not place a chocolate cake in an area where the chocolate will melt. In addition to the issue of actively melting something, there are concerns of cooking.…
There are many ovens on the market, and it is impossible in this short space to investigate and address every single model. The best we can do is provide…
Yes. However, the food must be at least half cooked before Shabbos, see #753. ראה שאלה #3506: #5506
If it's on a Blech, it doesn't need to be cooked. But then you may not put it back on the fire on Shabbos. If it's not on a Blech,…
Water faucet may not be turned off. The reason: turning off the faucet causes to stop the flow of additional cold water, resulting in heating up the cold water…
The water must be at least half-cooked before Shabbos. In the event, it was only a third cooked before Shabbos it may be used on Shabbos. However, one may…