For someone who davens without a minyan, there is no obligation to say Piyutim, but it is certainly appropriate to do so. This may not be done during one’s…
For someone who davens without a minyan, there is no obligation to say Piyutim, but it is certainly appropriate to do so. This may not be done during one’s…
Yes, Shofar will be blown in the Beis Hamikdash Hashlishi (in Yavneh) or in any place with a Sanhedrin. From some sources it seems that it will be blown…
Is there any Inyan to remove these stickers before using them for the Mitzvah on Rosh Hashanah? Is there a concern of damaging the Shofar by removing it? …
My father received a shofar from a non Jewish friend of his. The shofar had been used by this man during his prayer ceremonies with his congregation. Is the…
I see many articles about Covid & Shofar blowing, many people are suggesting to put a mask over the end of the Shofar. From what I understand from the…
Initially, Selichos is to be recited early in the morning (In a written reply to Rabbi SZ Gurary OBM, the Rebbe decried the practice of those who “recite selichos…
In the current situation where so many peulos of shlichus happen over zoom and over the phone. For example I give a Tanya Shiur over the phone every morning.…
No Shofar is blown in this case during Musaf. שוע"ר תקצב ז. However, after davening, it is proper to blow 70 sounds in order to hear a total of… Q. Can I use lemon in the Rosh Hashana food if it’s not strong tasting? A. One can use lemon if it is mixed with other flavors…
If honey isn’t possible, sugar may be used. ראה יפ״ל ג, תקפג, א. מל״ח יב, טז. בא״ח נצבים ש״א ד. שו״ת תורה לשמה תק. כה״ח תקפג, ד. שם…
ש. האם בחור הניגש לעמוד כש”ץ לסליחות צריך להתעטף בטלית גדול? באג"ק ח"ט ע' ריד וחי"ב ע' תמה וחי"ט ע' רמט שולל כללות הענין אצל בחור, אמנם בחט"ז ע'…
Question: It is not clear to me when a chip or flaw in a Shofar (that does not go all the way through) is a problem. I have attached…
Slichos (both of before Rosh Hashana and of a Taanis) is like any other part of Davening which one should understand what he is saying. It is preferred that…
Question: I'm making a shofar factory. What do I need to know if I want to shellac the shofar once it's ready for use? Is there an issue with…
Question: Sometimes by Shluchim on Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur when Chazoras Hashatz is really long, they tell the Chazzan to read it quietly while he gives a speech,…
אם מישהו עדיין לא עשה התרת נדרים, האם יש ענין לעשות את זה עכשיו (יג תשרי)
.כדאי Sources: אף שנהגו בער״ה, ובמט״א תקפא סמ״ט מהשל״ה מס׳ יומא לעשות בכל עשי״ת - מ״מ פשוט שנכון תמיד. ובפרט בחודש התשובה. והרי יש שנהגו ארבעים יום קודם…
האם אפשר לעשות התרת נדרים אם אחד מהשלש דיינים הוא לא דתי? מדובר במקרה של שליחות
נחלקו הפוסקים אם הפסולים מחמת עבירה כשרים להתרת נדרים. וכמובן, שבמקום שאי אפשר באופן אחר, ועושים כן מחמת המנהג ולא בכדי לעבור על נדרו ח״ו, אפשר להקל בלית ברירה.…
In my specific situation, a Jew will for sure not eat since the only person who is available doesn't have Hoda’ah (even though he learned and Shechted many chickens…
Yes. They should say: "זה חליפת (your name) זה תמורת ... זה כפרת ... זה התרנגול ילך "למיתה ו... ילך לחיים טובים ולשלום. Sources: כתר שם טוב גאגין…
You do with money the same you would with a chicken, just instead of saying "ze hatarnegol yeleich l'misa" you say "eilu hamo'ois teilachna litzdoko" ("אלו המעות תלכנה לצדקה"). Of…