Full Question: On Purim I made a donation online for Matanos L'Evyonim, and it seemed not to go through so I did it again, and later found out that…
Full Question: On Purim I made a donation online for Matanos L'Evyonim, and it seemed not to go through so I did it again, and later found out that…
שאלה: בשו"ע יו"ד סי' צז מבואר שצריך לעשות איזה היכר, והרי הם בצורה מיוחדת? זאת ועוד, בדרך כלל אופים אוזני המן באותו היום, ומבואר שם ברמ"א, שאם יגמרו לאכול…
The brachah over hamantaschen is generally mezonos, because the dough used nowadays for hamantaschen is usually mezonos. If the dough is hamotzi but the filling is sweet, the brachah…
Some have this custom. The two candles are lit during the Purim seudah. Sources: כ״כ הגרח״פ ברוח חיים תרצה, א (קי, ג) ובמועד לכל חי לא, מה (רסב,…
שאלה: בתמונה המצו"ב מפורים תשמ"ט נראה אד"ש כשהוא גולל את המגילה באויר. האם מכאן ניתן להסיק שלא סבירא ליה הזהירות המובאת בפרי מגדים (משב"ז סתר"צ סק"י) שגלגול המגילה הוא…
When one has two wines, they should make a Beracha Boreh Pri Hagafen on the better wine, even if this means that they would not be able to make…
No. Sources: כיון שנאכלים בתערובת כאחד. ולא שנא מדג וביצה שעליו - ראה באה״ט תרצה, ז. ערוה״ש שם יז. כה״ח שם מד. הליכות שלמה פורים ע׳ שלו. חזו״ע…
Question: Being that now many Shluchim will have to make outdoor reading of Megillah, are they allowed to use a non electric megaphone so that people can hear? …
Question: When doing pores mapah, can I stop eating and make kiddush before it's shkiah? Let's say by candle lighting time, so that the women don't need to wait…
Men or women should not give Mishloach Manos to someone from the opposite gender. You may give them Mishloach Manos on behalf of an organization and instruct them to…
While it is a mitzvah to hold the Purim meal in a lavish manner, eating fish specifically isn’t one of the foods required. Nonetheless, this is the common custom…
If he is going to deliver it on Purim day, yes. ראה שו"ת יהודה יעלה או"ח רז. חי' חת"ס גיטין כב, א. ועוד. However, if it will be shipped…
It is OK to leave it at the doorstep, but one must be sure that they are getting it on the day of Purim. ראה ערוך השולחן סימן תרצ”ה סעיף ט”ז.…
Do I need to hand the Mishloach Manos package to the Shliach or can I ask the Shliach to pick up something from the store for me and the…
The brachah over kreplach is generally mezonos, because the dough from which it is kneaded is mezonos—due to being formed predominantly with liquids other than water. If the dough…
Question: In light with the Rov's message about the early Purim Seudah as Purim is Erev Shabbos - can one be Yoitze with Milchigs? https://asktherav.com/13186-seudas-purim-on-friday/ Asking for Anash and…
times are for NYC - 5785 The Purim se’udah is eaten in the morning, so that we do not disrespect Shabbos by entering the holy day too full…
It depends on the weight content of silver, not the percentage. The amount of silver required (for those that are stringent to use coins that are actual silver) is…
No, one doesn’t fulfill their obligation by giving to a child under Bar or Bas Mitzva. Sources: מאורי אור (עוד למועד - קל, א). בית עובד (עז, א).…
Question Continued: This year it is nearly impossible to get 100 people to be socially distanced hear Megillah. As Shluchim, we'd like to make a drive in event. Would…