It’s Mezonos, until the amount that would be considered establishing a meal. סדר ברכת הנהנין ב, יב. #9342
It’s Mezonos, until the amount that would be considered establishing a meal. סדר ברכת הנהנין ב, יב. #9342
Question: Must I double wrap bread before discarding it? How big does the piece of bread have to be, to require double wrapping? And is there any problem throwing…
Question: If I understand correctly, when eating a chocolate chip cookie, the Brocho is Mezonos unless I get satisfied (even with lifton) or eat 4 beitzim. What if I…
When to Make a Brachah on Remaining Secondary Food? When eating a mixture of two or more foods, the brachah is usually made on the ikar (primary food) and not on the tafel (secondary…
When two or more types of solid foods are mixed, the halacha is to make the Bracha only on the ikar, the food of primary importance, and that Bracha…
You make the Bracha of the primary ingredient or the one which is the majority. Usually the chicken is the primary ingredient or the majority, and thus the Bracha…
The Beracha is Shehakol. A Yarei Shamayim should eat it only within a meal or make Mezonos, Ha'adama and Shehakol on other foods. סדבה"נ א, יא. #12252
Falafel balls are usually Shehakol, even if flour is added, unless it was added for taste. If one recited Ha'adama over it it is valid after the fact. …
Upon hearing of Moshiach’s arrival: ברוך אתה יי אלהינו מלך העולם גואל ישראל. Baruch atah A-donay, Elo-heinu Melech Ha’Olam Goel Yisrael. ברוך אתה יי אלהינו מלך העולם שהחינו וקימנו והיגיענו לזמן הזה. Baruch atah A-donay, Elo-heinu Melech Ha’Olam shehecheeyanu v'kiyimanu vihigiyanu lizman hazeh. When the…
Question: What is the גדר of שובע that is נחשב קביעות סעודה? Meaning, if you just do not feel hungry anymore is that considered "full" or do you have…
Question: When eating something that has a few ingredients, mostly one Bracha and less of another, but if you count each ingredient separately the lesser one will have more,…
כן. נ.ב. יש להעיר שהרבה פוסקים מסתייגים מברכה זו בזמן הזה, כיון שקשה להגדיר מיהו חכם. מקורות: כן נראה שהרי גם סומא מברך (ראה סדר ברה"נ יג, ט).…
It is better to use a regular kvort or cup with a larger opening. If no other choice exists, one may use a water bottle, however one should make…
Shehakol. ראה סבה"נ פ"ו, יא. ואין רגילין רוב בנ"א לאכלן חיין אע"פ שטובים וראויין לאכילה גם כשהן חיין. #11972
Question Continued: If a bit later on, I decide to drink or eat something that would require the same Brachah? Also, what is the time frame within which I…
What Bracha is made on Ezekiel bread, as it is not the usual way of making bread? While there is much brouhaha surrounding the purported health advantages of…
Clear chicken soup - שהכל Vegetable soup - האדמה, if blended it's שהכל. See here: Mushroom barley soup - see here: #11983
Since the almond milk itself is mostly comprised of water, it might not qualify. It depends a lot on how the almond milk is made. שאר משקין - ראה…
A Baal Nefesh does not have to be Machmir when eating less than a Shiur Kevius Seuda of cakes and cookies if the other ingredients - other than flour…
Haadama. Sources: ראה סדר ברה״נ ו, ז: מיני עצים רכין שהעלין והפירות יוצאין מהעיקר עצמו אינו נקרא אילן כלל לדברי הכל לענין ברכת בורא פרי העץ". ובקצוה״ש מט בבדה"ש סק״ו…