שאלה: האם אפשר לשמוע ולהשתתף במנין ב770 בטלפון 770live ולענות לקדישים, ברכו, חזרת השץ, ופתיחת הארון? מענה: כמובן שאינו יכול לצאת ידי חובת תפילה במנין. אבל אפשר לענות…
שאלה: האם אפשר לשמוע ולהשתתף במנין ב770 בטלפון 770live ולענות לקדישים, ברכו, חזרת השץ, ופתיחת הארון? מענה: כמובן שאינו יכול לצאת ידי חובת תפילה במנין. אבל אפשר לענות…
Parents often support their grown children by helping them with monthly expenditures, covering a down payment on a house, paying for the expenses of a simchah (happy occasion)—such as the bris of a…
According to Halachah, there is no restriction on eating in a beis ha’avel (house of mourning) and many sources address the meals eaten there during shiv’ah (the seven [days of mourning]). Nonetheless, there…
The Torah forbids us to wear a garment that contains both wool and linen, which is called Kilayim, or Shatnez. But is it permissible to put on a garment that…
People often ask whether it’s permissible to use their maaser money (a tenth of one’s earnings donated to charity) to purchase raffle tickets, such as at a Chinese auction, where the…
Question: We are doing renovations on our home. As far as leaving an area untouched as a Zecher L'Churban; what is the bare minimum that must be done in…
Technological development in CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) and internet-based applications such as Skype (a video-conferencing program) allow for remote viewing of a food-production factory, a dairy farm, a private…
There are many facets to the Halachah of Yichud. The issue of Yichud comes up every time a person of one gender is in seclusion with someone of the opposite…
A primary condition of Yichud (halachically proscribed seclusion of male and females) is lack of free access or oversight. Hence, a private home that has pesach pasuach l’reshus harabim (a door that…
A nursing mother with a young baby may wake up multiple times during the night to feed her baby. Must she wash Negel Vasser (the alternating right/left-hand ritual washing upon waking)…
The Biblical obligation of affixing a mezuzah applies only to one who owns the property. A renter, on the other hand, has a Rabbinical obligation to affix mezuzos; in Eretz Yisroel—the day they…
According to the Rambam a Mezuzah is needed only on a doorway that has a door. The majority of Poskim disagree and rule that a doorway with no door also requires a…
When renting a house or apartment in Chutz La׳aretz (outside of Eretz Yisroel), one is not obligated in the Mitzvah of Mezuzah until 30 days have passed. However, it has become the custom…
When purchasing STAM (Sifrei Torah, Tefilin, Mezuzos, Megilos), we must heed the words of the Shulchan Aruch, “Tzarich lihiyos me’oid yarei Shomayim v’choraid lidvar Hashem hamisasek bekesivas hatefilin v’tikunon.” One involved in writing and fixing STAM must…
Upon awaking in the morning we wash Negel Vasser (ritual washing of the hands in an alternating right/left pattern) to remove the vestiges of impurity acquired while we slept. But…
One should not sleep during the day longer than what is called Sheinas Ha’Sus, the duration of time that a horse sleeps. Daytime is for learning Torah, not for…
There are various reasons a person would undergo genetic testing. For those suffering from certain conditions—both children and adults—the presence of chromosomal mutations may reveal a diagnosis (or prognosis)…
If a person discovers a price or cleaning tag attached to one of their garments on Shabbos, but does not particularly care about it being there and will not even…
Environmentalists may seem to have the monopoly on decrying the use of Styrofoam (expanded polystyrene foam) products, but Poskim debate the issue, too. Many Styrofoam cups are lubricated with a…
Halachah considers Zeiah (steam or vapor) generated by high temperatures to fall under the same category as the food that emits it, whether what’s cooking is solid or liquid: A Fleishig (meat)…