Question: I have this tattoo with Hashem’s name Y-H-V-H in it. Can I keep it? Someone told me that it may be an issue to take a shower etc.…
Question: I have this tattoo with Hashem’s name Y-H-V-H in it. Can I keep it? Someone told me that it may be an issue to take a shower etc.…
Question: Does a shoulder bag that was used to hold Tallis and Tefillin need to be disposed of in any special way when it is torn and can longer…
Question: I found a Machzor for Yom Kippur in the prison chapel library, amongst goyish books. Since some inmates take the books and desecrate them and since, as far…
Question: My mother got me a beautiful ring from Israel with the Passuk Shema on it. The issue with wearing it is, I'm sure i'll forget to take it…
No. One however may place there seforim. Sources: ראה שו״ת מהרש״ם ד, נז. ויצבור יוסף בר-שלום ה, עה. וראה שו״ת יבי״א ח, יט ע׳ עט בהערה. דולה ומשקה…
There is a discussion in Poskim on this matter. In practice, L'chatchila an American dollar bill or coin should be placed in a wallet or at least in a…
You should not use the mezuzah as a bookmark. Explanation: In theory, there would be no halachic problem per se with using a passul mezuzah as a bookmark…
Question: We have a changing table in the kids' room for diaper changes. the kids also have a bookcase of their own seforim. I just don’t know how to…
One should be careful not to put anything on top of tefillin or seforim even when the tefillin/seforim are in a bag. Some are lenient with regards to putting…
When may we sing Daled Bavos? The following is a list of days and special occasions where it is either recorded that the Niggun Daled Bavos can/should be sung,…
Question: Can one sing Nigunim in bathroom or shower? Or a song with words of Torah? Or a song of other words but to tune of a Niggun? …
Being that the Gartel is worn specifically during Davening, it is not proper to enter with it into the bathroom. If necessary, if it is covered it is OK.…
Yes. However, it’s best to wrap first in something and then discard. ראה גנזי הקודש טז הערה יט. יט, יג. #6466
There is no Issur to do so. However, ideally כתב אשורי should be used only for holy matters. Sources: הנה, בשו״ת הרמב״ם בלאו רסח: הטעם השני אשר…
During Davening and Birchas HaMazon one should wear a double covering, specifically a hat on top of the Yarmulke. It is the Minhag of some Ba'alei Nefesh to wear…
Being that there are complete Torah thoughts, it would qualify as Shaimos. You may remove the Shaimos parts and discard the rest. See here.
Correct. Sources: שקו״ט בקדושת סידור בכלל לענין זה (והרי י״ב פסוקי תורה, בפ׳ הקרבנות, שמע ועוד, נוסף לקריה״ת לימות החול), אם דינו כחומש, נ״ך או תושבע״פ - ראה מחזיק…
While there is room for stringency, the custom is to be lenient. Newspapers are printed regularly in Hebrew using square characters, כתב מרובע, and the custom is to use…
I bathe the kids of a family I know. When I come the kids love to ask me questions and sometimes we talk about the Chassidishe Yomim Tovim…
Judaica stores sell special boxes that are marked for Genizah (cached storage of holy material). One can fill the box with their Shaimos (literal translation: names, i.e., worn out holy material),…