Question: My wife and I B"H just had a baby. She doesn’t sleep so much.... if I wake up in the middle of the night can I learn while…
Question: My wife and I B"H just had a baby. She doesn’t sleep so much.... if I wake up in the middle of the night can I learn while…
Question: I had a big surgery leaving me without a number of organs; my pelvis is empty as far as I know. Someone said that because my urine now…
Question: Due to a health issue my father can not say or read brachos. However he can answer Amen and he is aware of what he is listening. My…
Question: We run a camp for children ages 3-8 boys and 3-12 girls. At line-up every morning we say the 12 Pesukim with the campers. Do we need to…
Q. When saying Kriyas Shma bizmana in the morning before davening, should I hold my tzitzis and kiss them during vayomer? A. Yes. פשוט. ואדרבה, ק״ש קטנה עדיפא שבזה…
Question: What is the step by step “protocol” in terms of saying modeh ani, washing nagel vasser, reciting birchos hashachar, or any other pertaining halachos, when waking up in…
האם מותר להכין כוס קפה או לחפש ספר וכיו”ב תוך כדי אמירת קריאת שמע [קטנה]?
הסברת השאלה: מה נחשב בכלל מלאכה האסורה בשעת אמירת קריאת שמע? מענה: כל זה אסור, שאסור לעשות אפילו תשמיש קל אפילו כשאינו מונעו מלכוון. ואין צריך לומר בדבר…
A man or woman may do so, as long as they are dressed in a manner of tznius. Nonetheless, many chasidim are particular to wear a gartel. If the clothes…
One should not make an interruption at the following stages: After washing hands before the Bracha of Al netilas yodayim. Between the Bracha of Asher yotzar and Elokai neshoma.…
לא. ויש מחמירים להצריך עמידה. ולמעשה, כן המנהג. אבל בברכת על נט״י צ״ל בעמידה מן הדין. מקורות: קייל״ן שברכת המצוות צ״ל בעמידה. וכ״פ אדה״ז סי ח, ג, והיינו…
Question: Is it permissible to watch a Rebbe video in the morning, while still in bed, after Modeh Ani and Negel Vasser? Would there be a difference between, for…
Question: I learned Rambam late tonight and finished 3 minutes after dawn, without reciting Birchas Hatorah. Do I need to relearn what I said after dawn? Also, I realized…
Answer: One is not allowed to go to his friends house in order to say good morning, however if one meets his friend in Shul etc. he is allowed…
After washing Negel Vaser you may drink. There is no need to say Birchas Hashachar beforehand if you will be going back to sleep. See also here: …
The Alter Rebbe does not include this blessing in his Siddur (although mentioned in his Shulchon Aruch) and practices vary within the Lubavitch community. In some households it is…
When waking a friend for Shema in the morning and he would not be willing to say Berochos before Shema. Should I wake him up and tell him to…
Don’t say it except for the second [last - see comments] bracha of Birchos haTorah, אשר בחר בנו. However, it is best where possible to hear from someone else.…
It is a dispute amongst Poskim whether one may say Birchos Hashachar at night. Therefore one should not say it at night. ראה מאמ״ר סמ״ו סק״י. פקודת אלעזר…
Shema for the evening may be recited. Although the time it is supposed to be recited originally is during the night, one may say it during the day. However…
One is not allowed to eat from Alos Hashachar until after davening Shachris. The Chabad custom is in accordance with the Halacha that one may eat if necessary in…