Question: My mother-in-law purchased a sheital that she was not happy with that she cannot return and wasn't able to sell. She wants to gift it to her daughter…
Question: My mother-in-law purchased a sheital that she was not happy with that she cannot return and wasn't able to sell. She wants to gift it to her daughter…
35-6 inches. Sources: שצ״ל שוחקות ולא עצבות - ראה בהשמטות למנ״ח קומץ המנחה תקמז. מס׳ מזוזה הלכות מעקה בשעה״צ מט. ועוד. וראה ועשית מעקה בירורים כז. בשיעור שוחקות…
לויתי מחבר שלי כמה דולרים, אנו לא זוכרים אם כבר החזרתי את החוב. האם אומרים שהמוציא מחבירו עליו הראי’?
במלוה על פה, פטור מדיני אדם. אבל חייב לצאת ידי שמים. טעמים ומקורות: לצאת ידי שמים - מהרשד״ם חו״מ א, הב״ד בש״ך עה, סה. אבל בש״ך כתב לדחות הראי׳ שצריך לציד״ש. ולש״ך…
Generally speaking: One may, as long as one makes it patently clear from the onset that he has zero intention of keeping the item. If it's a Jewish store…
Question: I've seen many people bring dishes to the mikvah to toivel, after they first go to the mikvah. Is it a problem to toivel keilim while undressed? And…
Question: We rent a floor of a house owned by a frum Jewish family. It came with an air conditioner already functionally installed into the wall of the house.…
Question: I made $100 from poker, am I now halachically allowed to go and give $20 to tzedakah from that money, or is that $20 considered "assur"? The gambling…
The Alter Rebbe writes (Hilchos Shemiras Guf V'Nefesh 7) that one should not place a cooked dish or other foods or drinks under a bed because of the רוח…
First Question - Genevas Daas: I have been practicing shechita at a halal place and many Muslims wear something that looks like a yarmulke. I have learned that some…
Question: I have a cart full of stuff that I don't need, yet may be useful to other people. However it is difficult to get the word out, I…
Question: Many are accustomed to spilling a drop of the "bad water" off their cups. May one do so on Shabbos, as it is forbidden to remove bad from…
Question: Recently while shopping at a Judaica store I was overcharged for a product (I will assume that it was an honest mistake although I can't be sure). On…
There are laws in many countries that forbid the use of wireless service belonging to another without permission. In the United States, federal and state laws restrict "unauthorized access of…
Question: I gave $125 to someone to purchase a fridge, the price that the seller was asking. The individual negotiated the sale for $100. To whom does the $25…
Question: If I ordered a taxi for 5:00 in the morning and The driver came and waited. But I did not wake up, do I have to pay for…
מישהו מכר לי משהו בהרבה יותר יקר ממה שזה שווה…
שאלה: מישהו פירסם שהוא מוכר סט ספרים שנמכר בAmazon ב140 דולר במחיר של 80 דולר. קפצתי על המציאה, ולאחר זמן גילתי שבחניות השכונה סט כזה חדש עולה רק 55…
Question: We have a large bikur cholim kitchen. We would like to begin buying pre-cut onions that comes with a national hechsher. Is there any "heter" that commercial kitchens…
According to Halacha, there is no need to cover. However some bring in the name of the Shaloh that one should be strict with uncovered water. Sources: בכללות…
No. Sources: הן משום מאיסותא, ואף אם בעיניו אינו מאוס עובר משום בל תשקצו, דאזלינן בתר רובא דעלמא - ראה כנה״ג יו״ד בהגה״ט ד, והובא בפמ״ג שם במ״ז…
Question: HI, There is a person in my neighborhood that recently installed an illegal curb cut for a driveway and whenever someone blocks his driveway he calls the police…