Question: I know the minhag of many is not to make kiddush between six and seven. This was what I remember my custom in my parents' home. My question…
Question: I know the minhag of many is not to make kiddush between six and seven. This was what I remember my custom in my parents' home. My question…
From 3 years old the child should be taught the letters. Beforehand, as soon as the child is able to speak, he should be taught תורה צוה, שמע and…
Question: Does a Hachnasa L'Cheider require to have children present or is it perfectly fine doing it with the Melamed after school hours (after the children in the class…
Food that was under a bed should be discarded (thrown in the garbage etc.). However, in certain cases in which there is a greater necessity, one would be allowed…
Yes. Sources: מהטעמים למנהג זה - עי׳ פרישה באו״ח סי׳ תכ״ו ס״ק ג׳ ובמג״א ס״ק י״א שלאחר שקילל ג׳ פעמים תפול עליהם אימתה וכו׳ ראוי לומר לחבירו לא עליך כי אם שלום…
Indeed, it is recorded that in a yechidus with Mrs. Backman (an illustrator for children's books), the Rebbe instructed her that when drawing pictures of Tzadikim from Chumash, Nach…
I prefer kriah age children using a Tehillim with larger print and no Trop; however once parents purchase such a Tehillim for their child, likely he will continue using…
No, because the Bracha of Shehechiyanu for Tzitzis is for the clothing of it, not the Mitzva, and a Tzitzis is not (generally) considered an important garment in this…
There is no set minhag for the exact day for this. However it seems that the accepted practice is to do it close (but not before) the boys third…
Question: What is the correct wording for the Possuk וזה כל האדם? When I see it with the word יתברך it is without the word זו and when I…
Full Question: I read on AskTheRav that the Alter Rebbe says that since the Bris one who doesn't allow your baby to touch food without Negel Vasser is considered…
I'm Makpid on Toiveling plastic. Answer: This solution doesn’t work. Nonetheless, you may give the baby the nipple without tevilah, even if it wouldn’t be plastic, if you…
If the child is of age that he can eat a kezayis of grain within the amount of time that it takes an adult to eat a pras of grain (approx. 7 minutes),…
It hard to say there is something Halachicly forbidden about this. However, it definitely is not something I would recommend. The general atmosphere in theme parks are not in…
For shmira purposes, it’s enough to keep it for three or seven days (or, according to some, four weeks or thirty days). However, there is an additional reason why we…
Yes. However, the very first garment after birth should not be one that the opposite gender has worn before. In today’s day and age where mothers give birth in the…
Yes. This is our Minhag, at the time of the Bris. ראה היום יום כ״ח אדר שני. שיחת ז׳ אד״ש תשי״א. #981 (2)
There is no problem with clothing which by nature are the same for men and women. Nonetheless there should be other ways to identify between man and woman when…
Is there a difference between preschool age and elementary age? Answer: The Alter Rebbe writes (Siman 489:12) that it is appropriate to wait until Tzeis Hakochevim to count…
Yes. Reason: A butterfly is a שרץ העוף and therefore it is included in the Rebbe’s directive to use only pictures and drawing of kosher animals. Sources: …