Question: The Chanukah candles many times create a beautiful look on the menorah, especially if the room is rather dark, the candles "light up" the menorah. Is photographing the…
Question: The Chanukah candles many times create a beautiful look on the menorah, especially if the room is rather dark, the candles "light up" the menorah. Is photographing the…
Question: I would like to avoid having to burn the leftover Chanukah wicks and oil. Can I make a tenai before Chanukah and then dispose of them by wrapping…
Question: Is it more preferable to prepare Chanukah candles by oneself than buying ready-made ones, and if it is: what if the ready-made ones burn nicer? Answer: There…
תשובה: חנוכיה כזו כשרה לכתחילה. ועם כל זה, יש מהדרין שלא להדליק בחנוכיה כזו, משום מצוה מן המובחר. מקורות: ברמ״א תרעא, ד: יש ליזהר להעמיד הנרות בשורה בשוה…
Question: After we lit our Menorah we realized that the first light is on a branch that is slightly higher than the other branches (1/8 of an inch). We…
Question: Does Halachah state that one should spend money on having a nice Menorah (like an Esrog, tefillin, etc.)? Does it matter what kind of Menorah you use (tin…
Question: Poskim mention that there should be at least a finger's-breadth between each Chanukah flame. So if the candle-holders are attached to each other (with no space between each…
One should make a fire and burn all the leftover oil and wicks used for the Menorah. (This does not include the oil that is still in the bottle)…
The flames of the Menorah must be situated at least three Tefachim (approximately 10 inches) from the floor. The Menorah should not be positioned higher than ten Tefachim (approximately 31 inches).…
You should relight them, without a Bracha, if any of them go out before 50 minutes. #2065
Light without a Brachah. Of course we are not advising to go against hospital protocol, especially since there is a potential danger here C"V. You should coordinate with those in…
She should be Yotzei from you, but she should watch someone in Shul lighting and answer Amen. #2007
If the Menorah was moved to a different location in the same area, one is Yotzei B'dieved. Some permit it even L'chatchilla. After 50 minutes, one may certainly move…
One person may light in the Chabad House with a Brachah as Pirusmei Nisa, but this does not dispense him from his personal obligation to light the Menorah at…
Correct. It is kosher, but not ideal. Question 2: What about refined olive oil? Is only extra virgin olive oil ideal? Answer 2: They are all kosher…
You should light at the entrance of the main room, even if it has no Mezuzah. Sources: לא מצינו בשום דוכתא שיש להדר להדליק בפתח שי״ב מזוזה. ומוכח…
When it says that the Menorah is supposed be lit between 3 and 10 Tefachim from the ground, does this refer to the height of the stool that the…
Answer: They may not eat Mezonos or Hamotzi more than a Kebeitza. There are a variety of satiating foods that are not in that category. If there is a…
Another event where many families will join for a Seuda in a private home. Can the host light candles and be Motzai everyone? Once again, these people may not…
Half hour. Ten Jews must be present when lighting in order to make a Brachah. ראה בלוח יומי לחנוכה השקו”ט אם צ”ל עשרה בעת הברכה. וטוב שיהיו כבר…