Question: If I'm saying Karbnos while driving and I pass a church, do I have to stop davening for a minute when that happens? Does it make a difference…
Question: If I'm saying Karbnos while driving and I pass a church, do I have to stop davening for a minute when that happens? Does it make a difference…
Although it would be best to avoid and at least turn away from it so it's not in your view, strictly speaking, there is no problem to continue davening…
Question: Is there a problem to walk by a church? Is it best to cross the street? What if crossing the street is out of your way? Also, there…
Question: I received this from my grandfather who recently passed away, I'm wondering if I'm allowed to keep it or is this an issue. It's the Rambam. Answer:…
Question: Where I started working, there is a picture of their product with an idol from asia in the background, is this forbidden? Should I do something about it?…
Question: Is there a problem with using fonts (on a computer, phone, etc) for ABC where the "t" doesn't have a curve on the bottom, resulting in the t…
Question: Are you allowed to have in your house, a toy, meant for exercise (specifically punching) which has the shape of a human face, however no legs or arms,…
Question: Many classical compositions were originally composed as church music, some of them even referring to the tzoluv or to his mother in the name. Is it allowed to…
Question: What is the halachic basis for not saying cities named after a goyish priest who have been sainted such as S-a-nta Monica and the like? Is it a…
Question: I’ve seen many people with jewelry made with a coin from the Rebbe. Is there any issue with wearing a coin as a necklace mitzad avodah Zara because…
Question: Is giving gifts or some type of appreciation present etc. on the so-called "Mother’s Day or Father’s Day" considered following חוקות הגוים, and should it totally be avoided…
Question: This year I was given a non-Jewish assistant in my classroom. Is she allowed to check kids when they read alef-beis? She won't be teaching alef-bais to the…
Question: Hi Rabbi Braun, I would like to try a method called “The Emotion Code” by Bradly (Brad) Nelson to try to figure out what’s bothering me and the…
There is a Halachic prohibition against getting a haircut from a non-Jew. This is brought in Mishnayos (Avoda Zarah: Perek 2 Mishna 2) and in Shulchan Aruch (Yorah Deya:…
If it has a smiley face, mirror, etc., or if it is colorful, it would be permitted to keep as it doesn't represent the sun as we see it.…
The custom is not to do the Upshernish on Chol Hamoed. It should be done the night of Isru Chag, i.e. Motzei Yom Tov, if possible. Source: אפשערעניש…
Some forbid planting tall trees for shade in the shul courtyard. If they are planted like a fence and are cut regularly it’s not an issue. Any trees or…
Yes. Sources: ואפי׳ בגוי יש לפייס משום חילול השם - ראה קצה המטה תרו, ד. ובגוי שקיבל עליו זמ״צ ב״נ מצוה אפי׳ להחזיר אבידתו - ראה ס״ח שנח.…
Yes, he may as long as it is not done specifically for an Avodah Zarah or if he writes a name of an Avodah Zarah. Sources: אינו משום…
To the bottom of the ear lobe or the bone next to the ear? Answer: There are opinions in the matter, whether till the bone or until the…