Question: I teach sheva mitzvos to non-Jewish students, and they asked me a question I didn't know how to answer: One student has a mom who's 94 years old…
Question: I teach sheva mitzvos to non-Jewish students, and they asked me a question I didn't know how to answer: One student has a mom who's 94 years old…
Question: In our school, it's a new fad that many girls are playing with poker cards (like the deck that has king, queen, jack, ace, etc.). What's the deal…
האם גוי יכול לתרום ס”ת?
שאלה: לסבי נ״ע היה חבר גוי והוא רוצה לתרום ספר תורה לע״נ סבי נ״ע. האם מותר לקבל מגוי ס״ת? מענה: אפשר לקבל ממנו מעות לכתיבת ס״ת. מקורות: ראה…
Question: This year I was given a non-Jewish assistant in my classroom. Is she allowed to check kids when they read alef-beis? She won't be teaching alef-bais to the…
There is a Halachic prohibition against getting a haircut from a non-Jew. This is brought in Mishnayos (Avoda Zarah: Perek 2 Mishna 2) and in Shulchan Aruch (Yorah Deya:…
Yes. Sources: ואפי׳ בגוי יש לפייס משום חילול השם - ראה קצה המטה תרו, ד. ובגוי שקיבל עליו זמ״צ ב״נ מצוה אפי׳ להחזיר אבידתו - ראה ס״ח שנח.…
אינו אומר הרחמן זה, לפי שאסור לברך גוי משום לא תחנם. ויאמר במקומו: הָרַחֲמָן הוּא יִשְׁלַח לָנוּ בְּרָכָה מְרֻבָּה בִּמְקוֹם הֲלִיכָתֵנוּ וּבִמְקוֹם יְשִׁיבָתֵנוּ עַד עוֹלָם (וי״א: הרחמן הוא ישלח לנו…
Full Question: Are we still obligated to rebuke another Jew nowadays? Is there a difference between different types of Aveiros? What if someone sees their non-Jewish boss doing something…
Question: The Rebbe said we are supposed to tell Bnei Noach about their Sheva Mitzvos. Someone told me that we are supposed to wait until we have a personal…
Yes, but not together in the same Mi Shebeirach as Jews. This is permitted in the case where he is favorably disposed towards Jews, or where appropriate due to…
According to halacha, one may not accept tzedaka from a non-Jew at all unless it's needed urgently, and even then not openly. One may accept tzedaka from them if…
One may not intentionally deceive anyone, including non-Jews, but it is permissible to take advantage of a mistake made by a gentile (ta’us akum), unless doing so will cause…
A Ben-Noach that does a Mitzvah which has a positive effect on himself or on the world around him, like giving Tzedakah, will indeed be rewarded. However there are…
You may, as this will keep the harmony. However you may not buy anything that contains beef, lamb, or goat meat and dairy mixed together while hot, for instance…
Question: The Rama writes (YD 153:1): “ואין מוסרים להם תינוק ללמדו ספר או ללמדו אומנות דמשכי ליה למינות”. Based on this - what is the heter to hire non-Jewish/non-frum…
Regarding donating blood to a fellow Jew, it is clear that just as we must help a Jew monetarily, and we must even inconvenience ourselves to help, we must…
In the case of an acquaintance, certainly in the case of cleaning help or handyman as appreciation, it is permissible. #6257
אפשר לשלוח להם המידע שהיום היארצייט היהודי של מר פלוני - ללא לכתוב בעלך וכיו״ב - ושבבית חב״ד כאן יעשו כך וכך לעילוי נשמתו. וחשוב לציין את היום הזה ע״י…
Also, for someone in the process of conversion (and someone not Jewish) how would we say the name in Tehilim? Would we use the mother's name? Also, a Giyores…
In this case, as long as they didn't give it in the name of their Avodah Zara, there is no issue. The money should be used to pay for…