Before Kiddush. The order is as follows: Wash, say al netilas yadayim, wipe hands, cover challah, put your hands over the challos under the cover throughout yom hashishi, make…
Before Kiddush. The order is as follows: Wash, say al netilas yadayim, wipe hands, cover challah, put your hands over the challos under the cover throughout yom hashishi, make…
There is no official Chabad minhag as such. But it's perfectly ok to make the shlissel challah, and the minhag is based on holy sources. Note: If there…
Poskim do bring that one should make an effort to use kemach yafa (white flour) when baking challahs, in order to honor Shabbos. It is OK to use whole…
יש ענין ללוש ולאפות בערב שבת דוקא ולפחות בליל ששי. אבל אם אין באפשרות לאפות בערב שבת, עדיף ללוש באמצע השבוע מאשר לקנות מהחנות. מקורות: שני טעמים נתנו…
It’s fine. ראה: שו"ע סי' רע"ד במחצית השקל ס"ק א', ובארחות חיים (ספינקא) שם מהשו"מ המהרש"ם והמנחת פתים כמצויין שם, ועוד. וראה שד״ח ב שדמ, א. הנסמן בפסק״ת…
Oven that's still on - No. כך נפסק בכ"מ, ראה לדוגמא שו"ע אדה"ז רנג, טו. Oven that's off - strictly speaking, yes, provided it’s not scheduled to turn…
Question: On Shabbos when we wash hands for Hamotzi, do we need to say the Bracha Hamotzi or just say Amen to Baal Habayis? Do we have to say…
The original question is here. Answer: Milk is highly regulated and there is a “standard of identity” that cows’ milk cannot include added water and be called milk.
It would be Mezonos, since there is more other liquid than water. However, besides the question of its Brachah, there is a serious Kashrus problem here. Chazal forbade baking…
Question: If I make Challah dough (with oil, eggs, and water) and then use the dough to make babka by adding a spread, cinnamon sugar mixture, chocolate or date…
It is forbidden to eat or drink anything between washing the hands and eating the Challah. Sources: שו"ע אדה"ז סימן רעא סעיף כג. קצות השלחן סימן עט סעיף…
.תפריש חלה עכשיו והתנור בסדר Sources: .ראה שו״ע אדה״ז תנז, ו התנור - ראה רמ”א שכד, יב. מעדני ארץ תרומות ב, ב. מועדים וזמנים ג, כד. ובתנור שמדליקים בד״כ…
Separate Challah with a Bracha. However, it is recommended to add some water, even a little bit, to satisfy the opinions that require water. Sources: או״ז הל׳ חלה…
Question: What is the Halacha regarding saying Asher Kedishanu and Birkas Hamazon. My kids don’t like to eat Challah, and I’m wondering if they don’t eat the shiur, do…