Granola is usually hoadomo. Please see here: If the yogurt is very liquidy and can be drunk from a cup like a regular drink without using a spoon,…
Granola is usually hoadomo. Please see here: If the yogurt is very liquidy and can be drunk from a cup like a regular drink without using a spoon,…
Question: Sometimes after making Ha'adama on a salad with lettuce, cucumber, and tomatoes etc. I discover a large piece of avocado or almond buried underneath... Am I yotzei these…
When eating a food which contains a mixture of several ingredients, one should make the bracha on the primary ingredient. If there are a couple of main ingredients we…
ברכת מרק אטריות
שאלה: לגבי ברכת מרק אטריות ראיתי שכותבים (פסקי תשובות סר"ה אותיות ט,י. וזאת הברכה עמ' 117. 263) שאם יש כמות של אטריות ומעוניין באכילת התבשיל, מברך על המרק בורא…
Question: When I finish eating an instant noodle soup and now there is mostly water (but still a few noodles), do I have to make a shehakol on the…
Question: If I am eating chicken and peas together on the same plate but not mixed like a salad are they considered mixed and then I will only have…
Question: I have a piece of cake that has a lot of custard. When I ate it, I took spoonfuls of the custard and ate it separately. I did…
Question: What is the Bracha on schnitzel? And what about when bread crumbs are used as a topping to other foods, such as baked salmon, breaded chicken, etc.? …
ברכה אחרונה על מאכלים עם כמות קטנה של דגן
שאלה: מאכל ממולא בשוקולד (כמו וופל או בלינצעס) - האם מילוי השוקולד מצטרף לכזית בכדי לחשב כזית לברכה אחרונה? ובכלל: בוופל עם המילוי שאין כזית בכדי אכילת פרס, האם…
When eating crackers with tuna you should only make the Bracha on the cracker, and that Bracha covers the tuna eaten with it. Sources: והנה, מדת חסידות לברך…
When two or more types of solid foods are mixed, the halacha is to make the Bracha only on the ikar, the food of primary importance, and that Bracha…
You make the Bracha of the primary ingredient or the one which is the majority. Usually the chicken is the primary ingredient or the majority, and thus the Bracha…
Question: When eating something that has a few ingredients, mostly one Bracha and less of another, but if you count each ingredient separately the lesser one will have more,…
Sushi consists of rice and fish; there are many types of sushi, but for this discussion we will address only one type, nigiri, which consists of fish and vinegared…
As it’s unpopular to eat this way, the Brocho is Shehakol. If it’s chocolate covered, it’s questionable which is the primary ingredient. Therefore, make Haeitz on a fruit and…
1. Even if there is no meat in a soup but it was cooked with meat, the taste of the meat overrides the taste of the vegetables and the…
Q1. What is the Bracha on Cholent made of potato, barley and meat, where barley is all disintegrated? A. Mezonos. Q2. What is the Bracha on Cholent made…
Ha'etz. It appears that the dates are the primary ingredient and therefore it would require a Ha'etz. Even assuming that two ingredients are primary, we follow the majority ingredient,…