If the 8th string is intact for the entire length of the "Gedil" (the lower part of the Tzitzis containing the five sets of knots and the windings in…
If the 8th string is intact for the entire length of the "Gedil" (the lower part of the Tzitzis containing the five sets of knots and the windings in…
Question: I saw some poskim that discuss wearing tzitzis even while sweaty and it being ok. What about a situation where the person is doing an intense workout and…
Questions: Taleisim Ktanim worn by small children go through the washing machine very often, this raises several questionable situations: (1) the length of the strings somehow seem to "shrink"…
Answer: When one wears a woolen four-cornered garment, he is certainly fulfilling a Mitzvah Min Hatorah. However, when one wears a cotton four-cornered garment, there is a dispute as…
Size 18 is just the right shiur but not recommended as it’s hard to believe that when it's worn the full shiur will be stretched out properly. …
Q. When saying Kriyas Shma bizmana in the morning before davening, should I hold my tzitzis and kiss them during vayomer? A. Yes. פשוט. ואדרבה, ק״ש קטנה עדיפא שבזה…
Question: In question #5249 it says that if even one string rips in the knot area (i.e. before the loose area) it is possul. I'm wondering, if I can…
Normally, it would require Tzitzis. Tying a corner would not help. However, you can round a corner. See also here: https://asktherav.com/3215-does-a-cape-need-tzitzis/ #18317
Question: I am a melamed in 6th grade. I would like to teach the class how to tie tzitzis, and have every talmid tie tzitzis for themselves. My question…
Question: I work in a yeshiva which not all the students are coming from religious backgrounds. Often students aren’t doing mitzvos because they don’t want to spend the money…
Question: We have planned out for camp a whole event for the campers to make their own tzitzis, and we wanted to know if it's possible to make them…
Question: When passing tzitzis over the eyes during Baruch She'amar and Shema, how is one to actually pass the tzitzis over the eyes? Must he merely look at them…
Regarding after Bar Mitzvah: Can the garment of the 2 shoulders on the sides of the hole count towards the front/back Amos? I vaguely recall Reb Chaim Naeh writing…
Thick strings may last longer and not rip as easily. Nonetheless, one should use average size thickness to beautify the mitzvah. Sources: במג״א יב, ו קס״ד ע״פ מנחות…
A. An unmarried man should change his Tzitzis every morning and wear that pair until the next morning (i.e. change the pair every 24 hours). This way he’ll be…
Question: Is the Meyuchad brand of Tzitzis strings made by machine fine to use, or is it preferred to have Avodas Yad? (in other words, is it just a…
Question continued: Is there any source for what people say that a child should not begin to wear Tzitzis until they are toilet trained? Is there any source pro…
One should wear his Tzitzis with a Bendel as done by day. However when sleeping it should be preferably a Bendel without metal. Sources: באג"ק חי"ג ע'…
The halachic opinion of the Lubavitcher Rabbeim and the custom of the Lubavitcher community is that there is no Tcheiles nowadays (until the coming of Moshiach). Sources: ראה…
Question: If a Sirtuk with four corners has one of its corners folded and sewed so that it appears rounded, is it acceptable? Also, can I try-on a non-rounded…