And if not, why was it so common to do so up until just a few years ago? Answer: According to halacha, a parent is allowed to hit…
And if not, why was it so common to do so up until just a few years ago? Answer: According to halacha, a parent is allowed to hit…
השאלות להלן הם הן בנוגע לגדר ההלכתי של סיום מסכת
השאלות להלן הם הן בנוגע לגדר ההלכתי של סיום, בנוגע לאכילת בשר סעודת מצוה תענית בכורות וכו', והן בנוגע למנהג עריכת סיומים בתשעת הימים: א. אם נכנס אדם…
Question: I was watching a video about whether Chassidim consider Tisha B'Av a day of mourning which got me a little confused. Am I supposed to make an effort…
Tonight (Thursday) and tomorrow (Friday) this should be avoided, as it is Rosh Chodesh, unless you do this every Erev Shabbos. See here: Next week, better to avoid…
All three should be avoided this week. Cutting nails this week is a Machlokes. Every manicure and pedicure involves filing which is considered cutting. Since it’s more than plain…
Yes. מועד לכל חי י, יח. כה״ח תקנא, קז. בא״ח דברים י. ולהעיר משו״ת שאילת יעבץ א, פב. #5015 #5018
Yes. בא״ח דברים י. #5015
No. Sources: שו"ע תקנא יז. קיצור שו"ע קכב, ב. וראה היום יום כ"א תמוז. #5011
A Siyum on the radio, phone or video is acceptable and one may eat meat. However, L'Chatchilla one shouldn't rely on this and should make or hear a proper…
Question: Each week the women of our community gather for a class on Shabbos Afternoon. On Shabbos Tisha B'Av it is my turn to host. What are the rules as far…
יש לנו מקוה ואנשים באים ומשתמשים במגבות של המקוה, האם מותר לכבס את המגבות שיהיו נקיים ליום הבא?
מותר. מקורות: ראה שו״ת שלמת חיים שי-יא. הליכות שלמה בין המצרים יד בהע׳ 42. קובץ פסקי הלכות (קמינצקי) יא, כה (ע׳ קנה). ועוד. וכ״ה בכ״מ לענין אורחים, בתי…
You should remove your mind from this completely and serve Hashem in a happy manner. It should be noted that according to the strict Halacha one may eat meat…
Question: About Tisha B'Av - I am a really bad faster. I'm not nursing or pregnant, I have 6 kids Ka"h, my youngest is 3. Still, I could not…
Question: If someone has an investment property that they need to close in the 9 days, otherwise they will lose the property and the deposit on the property. Is that…
You may buy glasses during the three weeks unless it's just for pleasure. עיין משנ״ב תקנא, מה. #4969
Question: I am purchasing a 2nd hand couch from a friend in the next days, as she will be moving shortly, she asked me to pick it up during…
כן. מקורות: ראה שו״ת צפע״נ ב, י. והובא בלקו״ש חכ"ו ע׳ 73 הע׳ 39. וראה גם שם הע׳ 42. וכ״ה ע״פ המבואר שם בלקו״ש בפנים. וראה גם לקו״ש חי״ז ע׳…
Do we do it as on a regular Shabbos, hot water, soap/shampoo, whole body at once? Answer: Nowadays the common custom is to take a regular shower. …
For little kids that soil their clothing frequently they are both acceptable. Even for older kids, this year they are both acceptable. Generally, ironing without water is better than…
You should wash enough clothes for all the nine before the nine days begin. If children under the age of Chinuch (6-7 years old) have made their clothes dirty…