Question: When going to the mikvah, my wife has done 9 tevilos, for many years, she feels that this is too much for her and would like to do…
Question: When going to the mikvah, my wife has done 9 tevilos, for many years, she feels that this is too much for her and would like to do…
For a married couple, the bed should be placed in north-south, unless if it's not easily done. Sources: שו"ע או"ח סימן ג סעיף ו, שוע"ר מהד"ק ט-י ובמהדו"ב…
A woman should not indulge herself with matters which arouse erotic thoughts. From the verse “do not stray after your heart and after your eyes…” – we derive that…
Question: My wife and I are in the sixty's, she has spinal pain issues and it is difficult for her to lift legs when we are together. So I…
Question: For any number of reasons, medical, covid and other, I was unable to go to the mikvah since December. I am able to go now. I did my…
מותר לקצוץ הצפרנים והשערות. שאר ההכנות צריכים להיות ביום של הטבילה. #10611
Question: I have a white night gown for Shiva Nekiyim. Since it is white it is somewhat see through. To get out of bed I must put on a…
You are allowed to prepare a special dinner for your husband. Of course regular Harchokos have to be kept such as having a heker, serving the food with a…
No need to be concerned for veses hachodesh. Ona beinonis should be kept, of course, on day 29. Sources: בב״ח סי׳ קפט, טו מחדש שאפשר לקבוע וסת לר״ח.…
Yes. Sources: ראה: רמ"א ביו"ד סי' קצ"ו ס"ג, סד"ט בסי' ק"צ ס"ק מ"ה, פותח שער סי' י"ח אות ב', שיעורי שבט הלוי סי' קצ"ו ס"ג ס"ק ג, טהרה…
Question: Dear Rabbi, My husband lately is very busy at work during my 2 weeks following mikvah. He is home and attentive mikvah night but most of the 2…
Question: After having my child last Nissan (77), I made a Hefsek Tahara in the end of Iyar. If I remember correctly, it was on Sunday 25 Iyar. 5…
Question: Regarding not eating from the same dish while wife is Niddah, what are we supposed to do regarding a container with cookies (the cookies are placed directly into…
A woman should not indulge herself with actions which arouse erotic thoughts. On the verse "do not stray after your heart and after your eyes..." - we derive that…
Question: During Harchakos, are husband and wife allowed to recline on a 2 person couch that each seat reclines independently? Is it like laying on the same bed, or…
האם אנחנו נוהגים וסתות אחרות חוץ מעונה בינונית, וסת החודש, ווסת הפלגה
כל עוד ואין ווסת קבוע אין לחשוש יותר מזה. אבל יש ווסתות אחרות שחוששים אליהם מתי שנקבעו, או שנקבעו לחומר, כווסת הסירוג והדילוג ואכמ"ל. [אם כוונתך לימי המבוכה שדנו…
A husband and wife are forbidden to have relations in front of a child who is able to speak if he is awake. From the simple reading of Shulchan…
Question: Dear Rav, My wife and I are both modern orthodox. We have been married nearly 10 years and have 2 young children. We both abstained from premarital sex,…
האם הליכה למלון ללילה כדי "לצאת קצת מחוץ לעיר" ולהסתובב בפארק קצת וכדומה מותרים? ואם אפשר לתת קצת יותר הגדרה לסוג טיולים האסורים והמותרים אהיה אסיר תודה. תשובה:…
Question: I have noticed that at a lot of weddings during the dancing they lift the Choson on a table from the men's side, and then the Kallah on…