A man or woman may do so, as long as they are dressed in a manner of tznius. Nonetheless, many chasidim are particular to wear a gartel. If the clothes…
A man or woman may do so, as long as they are dressed in a manner of tznius. Nonetheless, many chasidim are particular to wear a gartel. If the clothes…
You should do Hatavas Chalom in the presence of three friends. For details about this process, see here: https://asktherav.com/4557-can-you-please-tell-me-exactly-how-to-do-hatavos-chalomos-and-does-it-must-be-with-3-women/ See here about dreams in general: https://asktherav.com/9542-i-had-a-couple-of-disturbing-dreams-that-i-was-doing-something-against-halacha-is-it-something-i-should-ignore-or-is-there-something-i-should-do-about-it/ Sources:…
Women do not say the Yehi Ratzon for they are not obligated in the Mitzvos (Krias Shma, Tzitzis and Tefilin) mentioned in these paragraphs. However, they should say the Ribon…
Question: When we Daven Maariv early, like after a fast day and have to repeat Kriyas Shema, can Kriyas Shema She’Al Hamita fulfill this obligation, or does it have…
Question: Can I say Hamapil after taking off my socks? (I may have touched my feet), or must I get out of bed and wash Negel Vaser first to…
While it's not the proper thing to be laying down during Torah learning, however, while someone is preparing to sleep it is proper to learn then as well, even…
The pasuk (verse) in Tehillim says, “Imru ve’levavchem al mishkavchem v’domu selah” (reflect in your hearts upon your beds and be silent forever)—from which stems the halachic restriction of speaking after completing…
One should not pause unnecessarily in the middle of reading Shema and definitely not interrupt with speech or doing other things. Nevertheless, one does not need to restart Shema…
Women are not obligated to daven Ma'ariv. However, according to the Alter Rebbe, women have the obligation to mention Yetzias Mitzrayim by day and night. This includes the bracha…
For a married couple, the bed should be placed in north-south, unless if it's not easily done. Sources: שו"ע או"ח סימן ג סעיף ו, שוע"ר מהד"ק ט-י ובמהדו"ב…
One should wear his Tzitzis with a Bendel as done by day. However when sleeping it should be preferably a Bendel without metal. Sources: באג"ק חי"ג ע'…
The prohibition of sleeping on one’s back does not apply to women. Generally, there’s no need to sleep with a pillow. However, there are health considerations too. These obviously…
Yes, women should say Shema before going to sleep. The minimum should be: שמע, ברוך שם, ואהבת, יושב בסתר, אשמנו, בידך אפקיד, המפיל The יהי רצון does not need to…
One may lay down on his back, if the head and shoulders are elevated and are higher then the rest of the body. Source: עפ"י נשמת אברהם או"ח…
Question: I heard that we don’t sleep with shoes under the bed. Is it a superstition or written in a Sefer? Because I know people that keep all their…
There is no mention in halacha about sleeping with one's feet facing the door, however, some people have a custom not to do so based on the fact that…
It was the Minhag of many elder Chassidim to say Krias Shema while wearing a hat and jacket as well as a Gartel. However it's not a halachic requirement,…
The Rebbe asked this question at a Farbrengen and left it unresolved. One approach is to wait till after midnight to say it then. Sources: https://asktherav.com/tachanun-at-night-after-rosh-chodesh/ …
Yes. https://asktherav.com/i-said-hamapil-but-i-am-not-able-to-fall-asleep-at-what-point-can-i-start-talking-or-if-i-cant-fall-asleep/ #2767a
באם הולכים לישון אחרי חצות, האם גם כך צריכים לישון על הצד השמאלי?
בפשטות לא משנה לפני חצות לאחרי, דטעם הדבר שייך לעיכול. וממילא תלוי בתחילת שינתו שצ״ל תמיד בשמאל. אמנם, לפי הקבלה יש בזה חילוק בין חצות לאחרי׳. ונסתפקו בזה. ראה…