Yes, one may, provided that the garbage contains at least some items which aren’t Muktzah, and which have more importance to you than the other Muktzah items. (For example:…
Yes, one may, provided that the garbage contains at least some items which aren’t Muktzah, and which have more importance to you than the other Muktzah items. (For example:…
Question: A relative has a pet dog. Are we allowed to visit on Shabbos? I know the kids will want to pet and play with the dog, and the…
Question: I see in the Alter Rebbe's Shulchan Aruch (308, 12) that "הערמה" is permissible when it comes to moving Muktzah לצורך גופו או מקומו. My question is whether…
If the board has individual squares for each time, it's forbidden and would even be considered muktza. Sources: עיין מג"א סימן שמ סק"י ובאדה"ז ס"ט. קצוה"ש סי' קמד סק"י…
Q. Is a basketball or ping pong ball Muktza? A. There is a machlokes about this. While there is room to be lenient especially for kids, adults should be…
Questions: Can one open a new shirt from its package on Shabbos? Can one remove the threaded attachments to a suit? Can one remove a cleaners tag on Shabbos?…
Question: I want to place bars of sweet-smelling soap as a drawer freshener inside dresser drawers. Would I then have a problem opening those drawers on Shabbos? It's just a…
Kinetic sand isn’t Muktzah. However, one cannot dig burrows or form shapes. Sources: שבת נ, א. שו״ע שח, לח ואדה״ז עז. תצח, יז ואדה״ז כז. באם לח -…
Q. May I use a train ticket as a bookmark on Shabbos? I use it throughout the week too. A. No. Q. I am preparing a kallah packet…
Question continued: When removing a baby's diaper on Shabbos and folding it up, is it permitted to move the diaper aside to make it easier to put on a new…
We're working on toilet training a 4 year old who's been a difficult customer. He is now wearing a wetness alarm that goes off if there is an accident. Not…
Question: If an avocado was green and rock hard, not edible, on Erev Shabbos and during Bein Hashmashos, does that make it Muktzeh the entire Shabbos just like raw…
This should only be done if there is some food on the plate. When there is food, the entire plate can be lifted and placed in the garbage. If…
Yes it is Muktza. One may not move objects out of boredom, unless there is an actual need. There is a disagreement if it is permitted if you are…
Question: What should I do If I meet a Jew after Shkiya who hasn't put Tefillin today? Answer: If one didn’t put on Tefillin during the day, he…
Question: Is it permissible L'Chatchila to place before Shabbos a Challah or a Siddur on the tray on which the Shabbos candles are resting, so that after the candles…
The common use of any putty involves the Melacha of Memachek (smearing), thus rendering it Muktzah. Sources: ראה שו"ע אדה"ז שיד, כא. שו"ת שבה"ל ח"ט סימן עח. שולחן…
It should be put back כלאחר יד - with back of hand or elbows. Sources: ראה סימן ש"ח סעיף ל"א ובמ"א שם שדוקא בבשר רך (כגון בשר עוף)…
As long as no lights or sounds turn on (some expensive ones have these features), I don't see a problem with it. #8261
There are seemingly conflicting indications in the sichos about this matter. Some sichos imply that when Moshiach comes it will be okay to play instruments on Shabbos and Yom…