Question: I need to travel to Crown Heights for Shabbos and Lag B'Omer, staying over until Sunday night. My hair got very long since Pesach, even though I did…
Question: I need to travel to Crown Heights for Shabbos and Lag B'Omer, staying over until Sunday night. My hair got very long since Pesach, even though I did…
Question: Our son was born on 19 Iyar. This year Erev Shavuos is on Shabbos. When should we make the Upshernish - on Friday 4 of Sivan or Tuesday…
Normally we don’t fast on this day, however, with regards to a chooson and kallah on the wedding day, fasting is required. Sources: מג״א תקעג, א. חיי״א קלב,…
Also, am I allowed to watch a live stream from Meron? Answer: Yes to both questions. But you shouldn’t dance, listen intently to the music, or participate in…
אפשר, אך כל דיני אבילות של ספירה עדיין בתוקף אז, גם השנה. ובכמה שיחות מצינו לעשות אחרי ל״ג בעומר. ראה לקו״ש לז ע׳ 122-3. ושם: ״באופן המותר לכתחילה (בלי…
Question: We had moved out of our house a year ago to do renovations. The house is almost ready for us to move back. Are we allowed to move…
Does the ho'raah of not delaying an upshern to the next morning, when it is pushed off, relevant also on Lag B'omer? Seemingly it is wide spread to cut…
Full Question: Lag B'Omer evening, I spoke to a group of children in connection with Lag B'Omer. Afterwards, I went to Daven Ma'ariv, I had a doubt whether I…
אם השיער מגודל אפילו קצת יכול להסתפר ביום החופה. טעמים ומקורות: ע״פ דין ודאי מותר שלא יכנס לחופה כשהוא מנוול, שיו״ט שלו הוא, וכדין רגל. וכ״כ הפוסקים לגבי…
The custom is to wait until nightfall on the eve of Lag Ba’Omer. #4133
Yes. מקור: סה״ש תשמ״ט ב ע׳ 745. Does it matter that I already bought the fruit and they would go to waste otherwise? In such a…
Question: There was a Minhag to eat colored eggs on Lag BaOmer. I once heard that we don't do it any more (Bechukas Hagoyim?). Now it's going around that…
The general custom is to avoid taking a haircut on Lag Ba'Omer. If there is a special necessity (for instance, your hair is inappropriately long), you may take a…
הסיסמה של הכינוס ל”ג בעומר השנה אצלנו הוא “והנה ה’ נצב עליו…” (תניא). האם מותר להשתמש במילים אלו על הפרסומות ברחובות העיר?
אם משתמשים רק במלים הללו בלבד: ״והנה ה׳ נצב עליו״ - אפשרי. ומכל מקום, יש לברר אם אין מנהג מקובל בעירו, שלא יהא פריצת גדר ח״ו. וגם בלאו הכי אינו…
Question: If one may not use Maaser for a Mitzvah which one must do regardless, how would that rule apply to a Minhag of giving to a certain cause…