Full Question: I always drink water during a meal as per the Halacha. Halacha2go.com article #512: The Importance of Drinking along with Eating But usually I only remember after…
Full Question: I always drink water during a meal as per the Halacha. Halacha2go.com article #512: The Importance of Drinking along with Eating But usually I only remember after…
Question: Are pita chips Mezonos or Hamotzie? Answer: Hamotzie. (Best to eat within a meal to avoid all doubt.) Sources: נ"ל שברכתם המוציא - הן מצד שגם…
The brachah over hamantaschen is generally mezonos, because the dough used nowadays for hamantaschen is usually mezonos. If the dough is hamotzi but the filling is sweet, the brachah…
When one has two wines, they should make a Beracha Boreh Pri Hagafen on the better wine, even if this means that they would not be able to make…
Question: In a few days will be the anniversary of my entering the hospital with corona, r"l. My question is, when and how to celebrate my miraculous recovery. Three…
פשוט שמברכים, אבל יש בזה כמה וכמה תנאים, כמפורש בפוסקים. (ראה בשולחן ערוך אדמו״ר הזקן סימן קעה, לוח ברכת הנהנין פרק יא ובסדר ברכת הנהנין פרק יב. ואכ״מ בהשינויים…
The brachah over kreplach is generally mezonos, because the dough from which it is kneaded is mezonos—due to being formed predominantly with liquids other than water. If the dough…
Yes. However, some disagree with the above answer. Therefore, it would be better to avoid this shaalah by making a shehakol on something else wherever possible. Sources: לענ״ד…
Yes. However, there are several conditions. See details in Seder Birchas Hanhenin chapter 11. Here are some of them: If they grow as grass, or on a soft stalk,…
One may use a drinking cup for Mayim Acharonim. The same is for washing for bread. However, if the cup was used for Mayim Acharonim it should be rinsed…
Many have the custom to remove the used Mayim Acharonim water from the table. The reason for this is because there is a "רוח רעה" - "negative spirit" in…
שאלה: לפי הגהת המרי"ל בשו"ע רבינו או"ח סי' קפ"ח האם אדם ששכח לומר רצה בברהמ"ז בסעודת שבת צריך לחזור לברך? תשובה: פשוט שחוזר ומברך. ולא בא מהרי״ל ורבינו…
Only once, on Thursday. This applies even if you stop for a full day in your travels. If however you’ve arrived at your current final destination, even though you’re…
Are there any granola bars that need to be Pas Yisroel? I noticed that some bars are soft with more of a cookie type texture and in the ingredients it…
When eating crackers with tuna you should only make the Bracha on the cracker, and that Bracha covers the tuna eaten with it. Sources: והנה, מדת חסידות לברך…
No. But you should say the following phrase before receiving the vaccine: יהי רצון שיהיה לי לרפואה ראה בארוכה בשאלה 1642: https://asktherav.com/yehi-ratzon-for-an-unwell-individual/ #12735
This should only be done if there is some food on the plate. When there is food, the entire plate can be lifted and placed in the garbage. If…
שאלה: ראיתי בתשובת א׳ הרבנים שליט"א שנוטה לומר שבן 60 שהיה לו חום לכ"ד שעות מהוירוס של קורונה צריך לברך ברכת הגומל, אפילו אם לא היו לו בעיות נשימה…
Question: If someone had an uncontrollable infection, to the point of almost dying and actually saying Vidui twice and now is infection free (although there is no saying it…
Question: Is it mitztaref for kvius seudah if one eats Mezonos crackers more than 4 ביצים but each kzayis was eaten during a timeframe more than אכילת פרס? Same…