Question: I saw the Rav say that granola bars are Ha'adoma, but for the after Brachah one should try to either eat it B'toch Seuda or to eat a…
Question: I saw the Rav say that granola bars are Ha'adoma, but for the after Brachah one should try to either eat it B'toch Seuda or to eat a…
The original question is here. Answer: Milk is highly regulated and there is a “standard of identity” that cows’ milk cannot include added water and be called milk.
It would be Mezonos, since there is more other liquid than water. However, besides the question of its Brachah, there is a serious Kashrus problem here. Chazal forbade baking…
Question: If I make Challah dough (with oil, eggs, and water) and then use the dough to make babka by adding a spread, cinnamon sugar mixture, chocolate or date…
You should recite the Brachah of Hagomel with Shem U'Malchus when flying over the Gulf of Mexico since one is traveling over an ocean to another country. Sources:…
האם צריך לברך מחיה המתים לאחר שלא התראינו עם קרובינו יותר משנה?
או לברך שהחיינו במקרה של יותר מחודש? והאם לראות תמונה או וידיאו מוקלט או בזמן אמת נחשב כמו ראייה ממש? מענה: על פי דין צריך לברך שהחיינו אם…
What Brocho one makes when winning the "Lotto" - שהחיינו or הטוב והמיטיב? שהחיינו Does it make a difference if it's the only ticket won or there are…
One may not say Brochos if they are unsure if they already said them. Regarding Birchas Hatorah, one is Yotze Birchas Hatorah by reciting Ahavas Olam before Shema and then…
Yes. Sources: הן מצד הניתוח והן מצד ההרדמה שנעשה בגדר חולה שיש בו סכנה, החי ע״י המכשירים ונושם הנשמה מלאכותית, נוסף לחשש סכנה מצד ההרדמה, אף שאינו…
Question: I was run over by a car 7 years ago. B"H I am fine. Should I make a Seudas Hoda'ah? If so, what does that entail? Answer:…
Baked pasta such as lasagna sheets which require no pre-cooking are considered pas, bread, according to all opinions. Poskim address the subject of pasta which was cooked first and…
The Brocha Reshona is Ha'adoma. The Brocha Achrona is Borei Nefoshos. Even though when eating rice, since there is a doubt regarding the Brocha, one should eat them in…
למרות שמעיקר הדין נשים חייבות בברכת הגומל כגברים, המנהג למעשה שנשים לא מברכות הגומל. ניתן לכוון בברכת הגומל חסדים טובים בברכת השחר, או לשמוע ברכו בקריאת התורה. כדאי להפריש לצדקה…
Question 1: I know that there is a problem with the Bracha Acharona for granola bars and so I have been careful not to eat them unless it's "Bsoich…
Question: What is the Halacha regarding saying Asher Kedishanu and Birkas Hamazon. My kids don’t like to eat Challah, and I’m wondering if they don’t eat the shiur, do…
The Bracha for applesauce is Ha'etz. However, if it’s pureed and has no recognizable pieces of fruit, such as commercial applesauce, there is a Machlokes as to its Bracha—and therefore…
This is a machlokes. According to most poskim, it would be hagofen and al hagefen. However, due to the doubt, in practice, one should say shehakol. Nonetheless, it’s best to add a large…