What Brocha does one say before and after eating rice cakes?


The Brocha Reshona is Ha’adoma.

The Brocha Achrona is Borei Nefoshos.

Even though when eating rice, since there is a doubt regarding the Brocha, one should eat them in a Seuda (or make a Brocha on a piece of Mezonos and Ha’adoma), there is a distinction between rice cakes and rice, because rice cakes are not cooked but rather puffed and therefore they wouldn’t be Mezonos (Seder Birkas Hanehnin 1:8).

If you want to be Machmir, you can also make a Brocha Shehakol on another food – and have in mind to cover the rice cake.





See also:

Article: The Brachah on Sushi 

Comments (2)

  • B L March 2, 2023 - 1 year ago

    Do rice cakes need bishul yisroel? If so Is it safe to assume kosher company brands are?

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