Yes, as pretzels are subject to the laws of Pas Yisroel. See here. Sources: חידושי חת"ס יו"ד קיב, יב. דרכי תשובה קיב, מט. ערוך השולחן קיב, לא. וראה אצלינו…
Yes, as pretzels are subject to the laws of Pas Yisroel. See here. Sources: חידושי חת"ס יו"ד קיב, יב. דרכי תשובה קיב, מט. ערוך השולחן קיב, לא. וראה אצלינו…
Tevilas Keilim Chart
The flour in Twizzlers isn’t a primary ingredient. (Thus its Bracha is Shehakol). Although they are cooked using ingredients that cannot be eaten raw, there is no issue of Bishul…
Question: A local supermarket has introduced several brand-new commercial coffee machines (providing espressos, cappuccinos, americanos etc). They have dedicated one for Cholov Yisroel. These machines self-clean and there is…
This is something which, in and of itself, would not generally disqualify the Mikvah. Nevertheless, there are many things in general which can go wrong and invalidate a Mikvah.…
Potato chips - fried potato chips should be Bishul Yisroel. Pringles - there is a Machlokes in regards to regular Potato chips if they need to be Bishul Yisroel and one…
Question: Is one allowed to purchase new cutlery for Shabbos in the nine days? If one already purchased dishes for Shabbos in the nine days by accident, can they…
Technological development in CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) and internet-based applications such as Skype (a video-conferencing program) allow for remote viewing of a food-production factory, a dairy farm, a private…
Obviously, the OU ensures that are all its products are Bishul Yisroel. However, there are a range of opinions regarding what needs Bishul Yisroel. You would have to contact…
If I understand your question correctly, if someone used an oven for a product that is not Cholov Yisroel does the oven need to be Kashered. Yes it needs…
Ingredients are potato starch, potato flour, corn starch, Spanish powder, tomato paste, & assorted oil. Answer: It is the right thing to be stringent and require Bishul Yisroel.…
Tzedaka in the equivalent of the meals eaten on 41 days should be given. This Tzedaka does not have to be given at once and can be given over…
An issue frequently addressed by poskim is whether disposable utensils require Tevilah. The majority opinion is that since these utensils are not intended to last, and will eventually be disposed of,…
Yes. See here: #3357
Specifically: Lubavitch meat cooked in Keilim or in an oven which were used to cook non-Lubavitch meat but with a good hechsher? How about Parve food (such as fish,…
A Sous-vide machine generally has two parts: An immersion heating element – This does not require Tevilah. The water tub – If made of metal or glass, it is best to Toivel without…
Question: Do we make a Bracha when we Toivel vessels nowadays? I heard that because the owner of the company of utensils may be a Jew, so we do…
Is it okay to feed that to a baby? How about the following baby food- carrots, butternut squash, sweet potato? And if it was cooked with direct steam change…
If the blade or bowl do not become hot at all in the process, you may use the same mixer. #2945
A utensil does not require Tevilah when it does not come into direct contact with food when it is being prepared, served or eaten. Therefore, the oven racks should be Toiveled,…