If food will never touch the scale plate/bowl directly, it doesn’t require Tevilah. If it will touch scale directly, even if on rare occasions, it should be Toiveled (provided…
If food will never touch the scale plate/bowl directly, it doesn’t require Tevilah. If it will touch scale directly, even if on rare occasions, it should be Toiveled (provided…
I am not sure how the lake is; If it's flowing - it must not stem from rainwater. Pipes through which water passes can also invalidate the water. Even…
They may be toveled in a natural lake. A brook can also be used when there is no mikve. It is best not to use them for toveling in…
There is a Machlokes whether the Issur of Cholov Akum includes milk which a Mechalel Shabbos milked. Even according to the lenient view, there will be an issue if…
Who can perform the mitzvah of tevilas keilim (immersing vessels in a mikvah)? Any male or female over the age of bar or bas mitzvah may perform the immersion,…
Ideally it should be a child six and up. After the fact, even if a five year old did it, it is fine. Note also other potential issues: https://asktherav.com/non-jewish-help-and-kashrus/…
Question: I went to buy a hot water urn from a Jewish company/manufacturer (chefman) that says it doesn’t require Tevilah. However it was bought on Amazon. Does it require…
Question: I have a question about the kashrus status of a kitchen (stove, oven, counters etc.) and utensils (pots, plates, cutlery). There is someone subletting my apartment as I…
Question: This seltzer machine (see attached pic) works by filling up a bottle of water, then you put the bottle under the metal stick (blue arrow in picture pointing…
ישיבה בבית קפה של גוים לצורך עבודה/פגישה
שאלה: האם יש איסור לישב ולשתות קפה, או לעבוד, או להיפגש עם מישהו בבית קפה (כדוגמת Starbucks) מצד גזירת ועד הארצות שלא לישב בבתי משתאות של גויים? או שאין…
Yes. Sources: ראה רמ״א יו״ד קכ, ז בריחים של פלפלים מעץ שיש בו ברזל שבו טוחנים שצריך טבילה בברכה. ושם, כולו מעץ זולת החלק שטוחן בו - ראה…
The part that touches the food is rubber but the rest is steel. Answer: Yes, without A bracha. Sources: כשהידית ממין החייב בטבילה וגוף הכלי ממין הפטור…
Question: The company that I work for - owned by a religious Lubavitcher - manufactured products in China. We make glass bottles which are made specifically for us -…
According to their website, they are certified by OU, but are produced on dairy equipment. Assuming this is correct, they are kosher but potentially not Cholov yisroel. The OU…
Question: OU has an article explaining why they say "Even those who are makpid to only eat pas Yisrael may eat Triscuits because they are not pas". Do we…
Question: The local Jewish school is making a Motzei Shabbos gathering with Chalav Yisrael pizza baked in a Chalav Stam oven. Is the pizza permitted? Answer: According to…
Question: I've seen many people bring dishes to the mikvah to toivel, after they first go to the mikvah. Is it a problem to toivel keilim while undressed? And…
Question: I just made a batch of waffles with a waffle mix that was mislabeled as being parve, but I see now that the ingredients include a dairy (chalav…
The Halacha is that a dish has to be toiveled by the owner or when it's being given as a gift, the recipient. If that is not possible, either…
Question: I bought a Gluten-Free Bar that is made with a mixture of non-Gluten-free flour. It has potato, oat, tapioca, and a few other types of flour. Is it…