Question: I have a (removable) polymer resin and acrylic false-tooth. May I eat milchig and fleishig with it in my mouth? Answer: In general, before eating milk products,…
Question: I have a (removable) polymer resin and acrylic false-tooth. May I eat milchig and fleishig with it in my mouth? Answer: In general, before eating milk products,…
Question: I used a (clean) milchig spoon to stir hot tea in a fleishig mug. The tea, however, was pareve. Is the spoon now okay to use? Answer:…
The color brown is never a problem with eggs. Sources: ראה פס״ד להצ״צ סי׳ סו. שו״ת טוטו״ד ג, רסג. דברי מלכיאל ב, לט. דע״ת על אתר. דרכ״ת שם…
As long as it is clean and there are no particles of food, there is no problem to eat milchig and fleishig either cold or hot with the same false tooth and…
I put the leftover salad in a fleishig plastic container with a piece of chicken. The milchig metal salad tongs and glass salad bowl were all in the fleishig…
אסור לאוכלו. מקורות: בצל ירוק בכלל בצל. ולו יהיבנא דהויא ספיקא - חמירא סכנתא מאיסורא. וראה חוט שני עניני סכנה ע׳ עה. גם אני אודך ענינים שונים ב,…
Question: There is this "instant pot" (pressure cooker appliance) that has its heating element in the lid of the pot, for air frying. The way this lid is designed…
Question: After cutting off and using the edible part of an onion for food, I took the leftover bottom-parts of these long green onions (i.e. basically the roots) and…
Questions: I don’t have milchig dishes. For Shavuos can I make a salad (which will have a cheese topping) using a fleishig knife that is clean and dry for…
A sous vide cannot be used for both dairy and meat. One may kasher from meat to Parve for a while, and then use it for milk. ראה…
...The dairy cutting board was used to cut onions a few hours earlier and the meat knife was used about 24 hours ago to cut meat. What is the…
Any Yid that was (or R”L still is) Mechalel Shabbos ‘in private’, may cook food for another on any weekday. This is so long their actions remain private and does…
Yes. Can they run at the same time? Yes. If you don't mind to clarify, since the two waters will drain out together and still be boiling…
Canned sardines are a very basic staple all over the world. However, in many places canned sardines that are bishul Yisroel (cooked by a Jew) are not available. There is a machlokes…
No halachic issue. However, some hechsherim aren’t particular about reiyas goy, a non-Jew seeing their wine. See here: #9855
Article: Play-by-Play: The Case of the Non-Kosher Oven Scene: A newly married couple in their tiny kitchen on their first day of “real life.” She: We have a problem.…
Question: It seems halachically that chadash is a real issue that happened to not be stringently kept for centuries. Nowadays it is much more practical, should one be makpid…
No. Sources: שו"ת הרשב"א ח"א קא. שו״ע ורמ״א קז, ב. ש״ך שם ז. פמ״ג קג במ״ז ו. וגם לדעת הצ״צ יו״ד סג שתולעים שגדלים מגוף הפרי נו״ט לשבח.…
It permissible to roast in an electric oven with the following conditions (there are those that are stringent and necessitate that roasting be done on an actual flame). Preheat…
האם יש מנהג חב”ד להחמיר כהרש”ל שלא לערב עם חלבי מה שבושל בנטל”פ נ”ט בר נ”ט?
גם הרש״ל לא אסר מדינא ורק כתב שנהגו כן. ובנו״כ השו״ע הכריעו כולם להיתר. ולא ידוע לי על מקור ברור ע״ד מנהג אצלנו באופן אחר. וכמדומה ברור שמורי ההוראה…