Yes, so long that you said first yihyu l’ratzon. Sources: תוספתא ברכות ג, י. ברכות לא, א. ע״ז ח, א. רמב״ם תפלה ו, ב. ב״י קכב. …
Yes, so long that you said first yihyu l’ratzon. Sources: תוספתא ברכות ג, י. ברכות לא, א. ע״ז ח, א. רמב״ם תפלה ו, ב. ב״י קכב. …
Question: If one thought it was Rosh Chodesh when it really wasn't, and mentioned yaleh vyavo in shmoneh esrei, does he need to repeat shmoneh esrei? Answer: There…
Question: I have a few general questions regarding the Minhag to say a Passuk that corresponds with one's name at the conclusion of Shmone Esrei: This is the main…
Question: When doing Oseh Shalom often there is no room to take 3 proper steps back or to the side, for example when the shul is crowded. What should…
One who can't daven towards Yerushalaim should turn at least his face towards Yerushalayim if possible. Regardless, he should have in mind as he starts davening Shemone Esrei that…
Question 1: Regarding the three steps after Shmoneh Esrei, are they meant to be three steps, as the finishing step which makes the feet next to each other, or…
And if he doesn't have to, can he stop if he wants to? And if he can't, does he have to hear Kriah afterwards? Answer: He should not…
Answer: There is no known source for this custom. We haven’t seen this practiced among talmidei chachamim and gedolei Yisroel. The Rebbe didn’t practice it either. See also…
Question: If I want to begin shemoneh esrei when the tzibur is already holding in the middle of Shemoneh Esrei, it is impossible for me to take three steps…
Lchatchilah, you should wait for the 10th person to come to shul and only then start the Amida. However if you didn't wait and the 10th person arrived after…
Question: What is our practice regarding personal Tefilos such as for Refuah, Shidduch, or Parnasa? I noticed in other Siddurim a Teffila that can be inserted by Refaenu, for…
1) There is Machlokes amongst the later Poskim whether this Kaddish is considered גמר תפלת י"ח. (see the quoted sources below for the context of this Machlokes). 2) In…
Answer: Here is a quote from the Alter Rebbe's Shulchan Aruch (OCH 101:2): "One should not pray in his heart alone. Rather, he should articulate the words with his…
The Gemora tells of a rather finicky Kohen, Yisachar Ish K’far Barka’ee, who would put on gloves before performing the avodah (holy work) in the Beis Hamikdash. Besides for this conduct…
להתחיל חזרת שמו”ע עם הש”ץ
שאלה: בשו"ע מסביר כ"ק אדה"ז למה לא להתחיל חזרת שמו"ע עם הש"ץ חוץ אם אין ברירה, היות שיצטרכו להגיד "נקדישך" ביחד עם הש"ץ. אבל לדידן שבין כך אומרים תמיד…
We say והמרחם in every Tefilla which does not have 18 (or 19) Berochos, such as Shabbos, Yom Tov, Musaf of Rosh Chodesh and Musaf of Chol Hamoed. We…
שאלה: תשעה בחדר, שישה התפללו שמו''ע ביחד, אחרי ש[רובם] גמרו שמו''ע נכנס העשירי. אז אחד שעדיין לא התפלל חזר התפילה בקול. האם מותר לו לומר קדיש תתקבל? אם זה…
שאלות: א. לשון רבנו בשו"ע (צב, ב) בתפילה הוא "אם יכול להעמיד יעמיד" אבל לקריאת שמע וברכותיה כותב "צריך להעמיד", האם יש חילוק לדינא? ב. לענין להפסיק לגדולים באמצע…
Full Question: How is it possible to keep the Halochos of not walking in front of someone during Davening? Not to do עושה שלום if someone behind you is…
No. Sources: שו״ע או״ח צו, א. אדה״ז שם.