Question: This that we say Ana Bichoach Blachash (quietly) on Friday evening, does it also apply to the Ana Bichoach of Sefiras Ha'omer on Friday night? Does it apply…
Question: This that we say Ana Bichoach Blachash (quietly) on Friday evening, does it also apply to the Ana Bichoach of Sefiras Ha'omer on Friday night? Does it apply…
You can rely on his word regarding giving him an Aliyah and Birchas Kohanim. Sources: עפ"י הרמא אבהע"ז סי' ג סעי' א וראה בב"ש ס"ק ב שאע"פ שהוא…
It is not a problem, even if it is not cold. However, if the Tallis has been off for three hours or more, one would have to make a…
Question: If I am in a Shul where the Kohanim Duchan but I do not have a Tallis on, should I put one on just for Birchas Kohanim? That…
On an earth floor, one may not rub the spit but rather they should place their shoe over it without rubbing it. On a wooden floor, in an area…
קבלת שבת לפני צאת הכוכבים
שאלה: יש מנין שמקדימים הכנסת ש״ק ומנסים להתפלל מנחה לפני פלג המנחה. יוצא לפעמים שלפני פלג עדיין חסר מהמנין. והם רוצים לדעת האם עדיף שיתפללו ביחידות לפני הפלג או…
Question: I have weak pelvic muscles & my bladder leaks often: when I cough or sneeze or stand up. I now wear thick bladder protection pads all day (not…
If you intended originally to wash your hands for Davening, then you do not need to wash your hands again after eating, so long that you didn’t touch covered…
One may not eat before Davening. However, if one is hungry and not eating can disturb their concentration during Davening, it’s permissible to eat. The Rebbeim encouraged eating to…
You should wash your hands by your bed then go to the bathroom, wash your hands a second time, and then recite the blessing "Al Netilas Yadayim" after wiping…
המשך השאלה: וזהו מה שמצאתי בפוסקים: דעות המקדימים סנדק לאבי הבן – הלבוש והמגן אברהם סימן רפ"ב (ע"פ מנהגי פוזנא): "הסנדק דוחה לאבי הבן ולמוהל". אליה רבה סימן קל"ו (ע"פ מנהגי ווילנא):…
The accepted Chabad Minhag is to always Daven Maariv after Tzeis Hakochavim. The ideal time for Davening Maariv is after the emergence of three small stars. Three medium stars appear, according to the Alter…
1. Being that you Davened Maariv in the past after Tzeis Hacochovim, you should continue doing so - even if it means not Davening with a Minyan - as…
The proper order is that the Sefer Torah which was read last should be the first to be brought and put back in the Aaron kodesh. However, if the…
If listening to a recording, no. See here: #3138
You should finish as soon as possible, during the next few days (but not at night). Sources: ההוראה הכללית היא בש״ק לפני התפלה, כבכ״מ. וגם בהיום יום כ״ו…
Women are not obligated to recite Tachanun, yet they may do so if they wish, and many have the custom to do so. There are, however, many women who…
A Kohen still receives the second Aliya on Rosh Chodesh when there is no Levi, even though the reading repeats itself. Sources: ראה לדוד אמת להחיד"א סי' ו…
1. You should say before Motzai Shabbos. 2. One may carry in a hotel, though some are Machmir. See here. Sources: בנוגע המתנה למוצאי שבת, הנה ברמ"א או"ח…
Davening before Netz is only allowed in a Sha’as Hadchak (for example an early morning flight – not something that happens on a daily basis), or if already done…