No need. Sources: הנה בראשונים - שו"ת מהר"ם בר"ב [דפוס לבוב] קיג. תשובת האו״ז, הובא מרדכי מגילה תתלג, והביאו בב״י או"ח קמז. רמ"א שם ב - שהרשות למכור…
No need. Sources: הנה בראשונים - שו"ת מהר"ם בר"ב [דפוס לבוב] קיג. תשובת האו״ז, הובא מרדכי מגילה תתלג, והביאו בב״י או"ח קמז. רמ"א שם ב - שהרשות למכור…
This is not completely clear: one approach is not to say it at all. A second approach is to say it after Kadish. A third approach, to say it…
Ideally, two other people should stand by the bimah, one to his right and one to his left. The baal koreh should hold both atzei chaim. Sources: שיעמדו…
Yes, and so is the practical custom. See here: article #304: Preference for a Levi .עיין רמ"א בסי' קלה ו, ט"ז ו, מג"א י, ובמחה"ש שם, תורת…
Candies should certainly not be thrown as they are extremely dangerous. The original custom was to throw soft treats, such as roasted wheat and nuts, raisins, popcorn, etc. This…
And if he doesn't have to, can he stop if he wants to? And if he can't, does he have to hear Kriah afterwards? Answer: He should not…
Question: I am the new rabbi at a small shul, the outgoing rabbi said that when there was no minyan he would take out the Torah and read a…
Question: If I have a Passul Sefer Torah, can I take it out of the Aron Kodesh to lein from in absence of a minyan? Answer: It should…
Answer: Yes. However, a G-d fearing Jew shouldn’t rely on Shnayim Mikrah during Krias Hatorah. Independent of this, it’s our minhag, based on halacha and particularly Kabalah, to read…
A. Yes, but you should not deviate from the accepted custom of the Shul and/or the local custom (local rabbi, etc.). Q. How should the wording be (from…
Question: If one didn't finish saying בריך שמיה and they closed the ארון already, can he finish it while the Torah is out, or is it only when the…
Practical Question: When I land in yeshiva in the PM hours from an overseas flight on a Monday or Thursday, is it necessary to ask 5 bochurim not to…
The custom is to not be particular about doing so. Source: ראה הר צבי א, סד. בירור הלכה תליתאי קלד. דברי יציב א, עו. וראה המובא בפסק"ת קלד…
There is no requirement to remove tefillin straps when doing Hagbah; it’s purely for convenience. Sources: המנהג מובא בזר זהב ב, א. מנהגי בוסטון בסי׳ תפלה ישרה הוצאת…
If there is no Kohen and only Leviyim and Yisraelim in the minyan, the Levi will receive the first Aliya "Bimkom Kohen" and the Baal Korei should continue reading…
Yes, a Minyan just for Kriyas Hatorah may be done for Mincha of Shabbos. The only change would be that a Chatzi Kaddish would be said right after…
There is no official optimal time to say the Mi Sheberach for those who need a Refuah Shleima. However, it is usually done at the end of the Torah…
One calls the Maftir after reciting the Half-Kaddish. Source: Sharei Efraim 9:1 #3196a
If he will keep a new Jewish name, then give him a Jewish name while calling him up to the Torah. If he won't keep the name then call…
Question continued: We don't have a set Baal Koreh in our Shul. I signal out to someone who reads in place of a Baal Koreh. Sometimes he doesn’t get…