Although, almost all major Poskim hold that one fulfills the mitzvah of פרו ורבו through IVF (See Shevet Halevi 9:209; Minchas Yitzchak 1:50; Igros Moshe E.H 2:18; Minchas Shlomo 3:124…
Although, almost all major Poskim hold that one fulfills the mitzvah of פרו ורבו through IVF (See Shevet Halevi 9:209; Minchas Yitzchak 1:50; Igros Moshe E.H 2:18; Minchas Shlomo 3:124…
Yes. Sources: ויש בזה קיום מצות פו״ר. וכמו שמצינו בלאה שהתפללה כן - ברכות ס, א. ומש״א שם ובשו״ע או״ח רל, א - היינו ע״ד הרגיל. ולהעיר מב״ב…
See here for a thorough analysis of the parameters of this Mitzvah: This link in itself deals with the basic premise in your question. In addition…
Q1. Does a pregnant woman need to do Kaparos on behalf of the fetus? A. A pregnant woman uses two chickens and one rooster. She uses the plural formula…
Question: I know it’s Chabad custom to name a little girl at the first available opportunity. If I have a girl iy”H, and the birth is sometime between Thursday…
The custom is to avoid going, although strictly it’s permitted. When there is need to go (she really wants, etc.), it’s best not to be in the same room…
Tisha B'Av is a more stringent fast day and certainly one should try their absolute best to complete the entire fast. The Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chayim 554:5) writes that…
Question: I am 32 years old and would like to look into fertility egg freezing. I have to look more in depth into the procedures but it could be…
No. המנהג הובא בשוע"ר סי' רסג, ה, אך ראה הגהות לסידור רבינו הזקן ע׳ כח. ומשמע שם שזוהי הוראת אדה״ז והצ״צ. וראה הנסמן בקיצור דיני ומנהגי נש״ק ה,…
Making food for such a mother would be considered a non-obligatory Mitzvah and therefore would be allowed to be paid for from Maaser funds (and you do not need to…
The exemption from fasting applies only to a woman who is already in the fourth month of pregnancy, or in the case of pain from 40 days onwards. However,…
Question: When one had a baby boy and did not say הטוב והמטיב immediately, what is the time limit to making this Bracha? (Same question with regard to שהחיינו…
Leave as is. Ensure baby goes by the name Leib only. Same applies to the English name as well. טעמים ומקורות: ראה אג״ק ז ע׳ רפו. וכ״ה אפי׳ בנדו״ד…
Yes. However, the very first garment after birth should not be one that the opposite gender has worn before. In today’s day and age where mothers give birth in the…
תשובה בשיחת י״ט כסלו תשמ״ז (סה״ש תשמ״ז א ע׳ 146 ובהערה 10) בקשר עם תליית שיר המעלות בבית הרפואה, נזכר בדרך אגב, ש״בימינו אלה מסיבות רפואיות יולדות הנשים בבית…
Yes. Sources: ובמכ״ש מבין המצרים כשיפסיד הברכה - ראה שו״ע או״ח תקנא, יז. רמ״א שם. ולהדיא כתב כן בסי׳ יעב״ץ דיני ביהמ״צ ח, ברואה חבירו ביהמ״צ. וראה גם…
For those that dislike wine, with a medical condition or pregnant, Grape Juice may be used. It is recommended to add some wine to the grape juice if possible.…
Question: Regarding a Kiddush for my daughter’s birth, can I do it on Friday night after the meal? Similarly, can I do it during the week? Answer: The…
Because there are a lot of positive elements to those animals. There is a lot we can learn from them. The Mishnah tells us to learn to be bold…