The tefilah (prayer) of L’Shem Yichud focuses on the unification of both aspects of the Shem Hameforash (Hashem’s ineffable name, Y-H-V-H), represented by the Hebrew letters Y-H and V-H, a concept explained in Kabbalah and expounded upon in…
The tefilah (prayer) of L’Shem Yichud focuses on the unification of both aspects of the Shem Hameforash (Hashem’s ineffable name, Y-H-V-H), represented by the Hebrew letters Y-H and V-H, a concept explained in Kabbalah and expounded upon in…
איך נוהגים בר”ח, להרהר השם זבדיה ולומר “ישמרני…”?
בכללות הענין ראה הלכה יומית אות של. כמדומה שהמנהג בפועל לומר ״זבדי׳״. ואמירתו - הבי״ת בפת״ח. מקורות: גוף האמירה - מקורו במחברת הקודש שער ר״ח. לחם מן השמים.…
Question: Is it permissible, while learning with children Chumosh and going over the words they know to get Hashem's name highlighted with a see-through highlighter? Answer: Should be…
Question: A Yeshiva wants to make a tee Shirt with the words ארץ אשר עיני ה׳ אלקיך בה. Is there a way around the shirt being Sheimos, 2 words…
Question: I have this tattoo with Hashem’s name Y-H-V-H in it. Can I keep it? Someone told me that it may be an issue to take a shower etc.…
Question: Is one allowed to pronounce the name of a Shul "Beth El"? Being that "E-l" is a name of Hashem. Also, would one be required to write "E-l"…
Question: Would it be considered pronouncing Hashem's name (Yud-Kay) when pronouncing a yud with the vowel patach or Kamatz being that they have the same pronunciation? Can I read…
Question: My mother got me a beautiful ring from Israel with the Passuk Shema on it. The issue with wearing it is, I'm sure i'll forget to take it…
We pronounce Hashem’s name as written. See here: ראה גם שו״ת אג״מ או״ח ג, צח בסופו שלא יצא אם לא אמר האזכרות. וראה חוט שני שבת חלק…
Question: Sometimes kids decorate Negel Vasser sets with their names on it. Many people store their Negel Vasser sets in the bathroom. Is it a problem bringing the set…
Question: When teaching children how to properly pronounce Shem HaShem, may I write out Hashem's name with lines in between each syllable (see attachment), or do I need to…
The Rebbe was of the opinion that it should be written with a hyphen. There wouldn’t be a problem with typing it on the computer, so long that it’s…
There is a discussion in Poskim on this matter. In practice, L'chatchila an American dollar bill or coin should be placed in a wallet or at least in a…
Question: May one pronounce אלהים when saying 1. אלהים אחרים 2. ואתה תהיה לו לאלהים (where Rashi explains לרב ולשר)? I.e. when one is not reading the whole passuk…
No. Only in complete pesukim. Similar to here: #8918
No. Only complete pesukim. מפי השמועה בשם כ״ק אד״ש - ראה התקשרות גל׳ רעח ע׳ 17. שם גל׳ תקח. והארכנו בזה ובהבאת סימוכין ובמה שנראה כסותר בבירור הלכה…
למעשה האם מותר להגות השם אהי’?
אין לאומרו לבטלה. ונהוג לאומרו בשינוי - אהקה. אבל באומר לא בתור שם השם, כמו בפסוק (שמות ג, יב) ״כי אהי׳ עמך״ אין חשש. טעמים ומקורות: כ״ה סתימת…
Question: I work in a field where I interact almost exclusively with Goyim. When a client asks me "How are your doing" is it Mutar to answer "Thank G-d"?…
One may not say Brochos if they are unsure if they already said them. Regarding Birchas Hatorah, one is Yotze Birchas Hatorah by reciting Ahavas Olam before Shema and then…