Question: Is a tiny piece of a splinter under skin a Chatzitza? I took a splinter out of my finger a few days ago, but a tiny piece from…
Question: Is a tiny piece of a splinter under skin a Chatzitza? I took a splinter out of my finger a few days ago, but a tiny piece from…
Question: Is it halachically permitted to get permanent makeup that lasts for about a year, or permanent eyelash extensions? Is it a problem of tattoo? Is it a chatzizah…
Question: I have newly pierced ears, and the earrings are supposed to stay in for two months or the holes will close up. Can I keep them in when…
No. You would only need to toivel it again (without a Bracha, of course, being that it is plastic) if the rubber band is not used as part of…
חובת עיון בטבילת כלים ובנטילת ידים
שאלה: התעוררתי, דלכאורה כמו דקיי"ל דבאשה הטובלת יש חיוב עיון מדאורייתא שלא יהיה דבר חוצץ על בשרה, א"כ ה"ה בטבילת כלי שחייב לעיין בכלי לפני הטבילה, ולאחר שתיקנו חכמים…
שאלה: היה לה תפירות שאינם נמסות והלכה לטבול וחשבה שהתפירות שלה הם נמסות, לאחר יומיים מהטבילה התברר לה שהם תפירות שאינם נמסות. האם צריכה לחזור ולטבול?
תשובה: אם מיירי בתפרים שאינם בולטים מעל העור, יש להתיר לכתחילה, כפי שהביא בשיעורי שבה״ל קצח, יא ג, והתיר שם בשעת הדחק לחתוך את התפרים עד שיהיה החלק הנכנס בבשר…
He may ask a non-Jew to remove it with a shinui. Otherwise, he should wash without a Bracha, as well as eat while wrapping his hand in a cloth.…
Question: I am learning with a kallah and I have a question regarding tevilah/chatzitzah: She is a balas teshuva trying hard to do as much as she can. She…
Generally yes. - I'm asking about 2 types of cream: 1) the cream stays on your hand for a while without getting absorbed - there's a layer of actual…
Question: Sometimes on mivtzoim I meet a Jew who wants to put on tefillin, but he has a “chup” or a huge ponytail is there any point of putting…
Question: I have something I need to toivel but the label sticker won't come off all the way. is it still a chatzitzah or can it be toiveled any…
If the hair obstructs the tefillin from sitting comfortably on the head, If there is hair from the sides of the head combed over the spot where the tefillin…
While there is no official specific length per se, one should not deviate from what is considered proper length for a frum chassidish person. Regardless, if a haircut wasn’t…
Question: We by mistake used our charcoal grill without first toiveling the metal grates. Now it is impossible to clean them off completely, is there anything we can do…
Regarding Negel Vasser: He should wash the other hand and whatever possible on the wounded hand (at least the fingers if possible). חמור נטילה זו מנטילה לסעודה, וכדברי אדה"ז…
The Gemora tells of a rather finicky Kohen, Yisachar Ish K’far Barka’ee, who would put on gloves before performing the avodah (holy work) in the Beis Hamikdash. Besides for this conduct…
Many poskim have choice words to say about men growing a fringe, long hair in the front, or even long hair in the back. A key problem mentioned by many poskim is that…
If the tinting of the eyelashes is well maintained without noticeable gaps, there is room for leniency to Tovel with eye lash tint on. Use only dye which has…
Question: I learnt with my Kallah teacher that I have to always be really careful to take off any dead skin from my feet before going to Mikvah and…
One of them was a serving tray that also had a bit of glue on it, and one was a water heater but the metal was inside, and the…