It is permitted to use a flashlight in the way you mentioned on Yom Tov. However, it is best to move it with a shinui (like holding it with…
It is permitted to use a flashlight in the way you mentioned on Yom Tov. However, it is best to move it with a shinui (like holding it with…
If you’re holding at a place where you can make a Hefsek (such as speaking), yes, you may say it together with the Minyan. Please see in the…
One may not carry on Yom Tov if it's not for the sake of Yom Tov. Therefore, practically, one may only take out the garbage to the street if…
Meat: It is a mitzvah of Simchas Yom Tov to eat meat on Yom Tov both by night and by day, ideally during the seudah. See here: Fish:…
הדלקת נרות יום טוב שני – לפני שקיעה
שאלות: ראיתי מי שכתב שאפשר להדליק נרות יום טוב שני - ביום טוב הראשון סמוך לחשכה, והוא על פי מ"ש אדה"ז בתקי"ד סט"ו "ומכל מקום מותר לאדם להדליק נרות בביתו…
Question: We have a small Chabad house and will only be holding services on the first day of Yom Tov. Are we allowed to do Yizkor on the first…
Do they give me the Eiruv to pick up? Answer: Yes, that works. When making their Eruv they give it usually to someone else to pick on behalf…
Yes, you may. I would like to point out that there are several other halachos involved in cooking on wood over yom tov that you should be aware of:…
Question: On second night of Yom Tov this year, candle lighting is after 9 pm. Can we drink wine with our guests at dinner earlier and then do kiddush…
Question: I'm living in Eretz Yisroel but I need to go to the USA for Army Reserve duty. May I schedule my duty to begin on the 8th of…
Answer: On Shabbos, we are forbidden from raising/lowering a fire. Chazal said that one must cover the fire - and according to some poskim, the knobs too - in…
Question: I'm in a Chabad house and we are making a BBQ for the second days and in order for it to be made I need to use a…
This is a Machlokes haposkim. Most mention specifically meat. Sources: See references in Hebrew Shavuos Guide fn. 142. #8974
The custom is not to do the Upshernish on Chol Hamoed. It should be done the night of Isru Chag, i.e. Motzei Yom Tov, if possible. Source: אפשערעניש…
There is no new mitzvah (of shvisa) at that time. Do we say it because of lo plug? Or because of Simcha? If it's the latter, what about the…
תשובה: לפענ״ד פשוט וברור ללא כל ספק שעליהם לשמור שני ימים. ומותר להם לקבוע מנין בציבור בפרהסיא. וכן גם לענין מלאכה אין צורך להחמיר לא להתראות בפניהם שאינו עושה…
Question: Is a goyah allowed to change the setting on my crockpot on Shabbos or Yom Tov from High to Low or from Low to “keep-warm”? Is turning it…
Question: According to the Alter Rebbe, starting a new fire on Yom Tov is a shvus. So is Amira Lanochri. Can I, therefore, ask a non-Jew to turn on…
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