Question: During kaparos a chicken was misnabel, I don't know whose it was specifically, but I know it belonged to one person from a group of 6 specific people.…
Question: During kaparos a chicken was misnabel, I don't know whose it was specifically, but I know it belonged to one person from a group of 6 specific people.…
Question: Is it better for each of us to do our own chicken by Kaparos, or is it just as good to do one rooster for all the males…
It’s permissible to use gloves, especially as the one doing the kaporos isn’t performing the actual mitzvah of shechita. Still, it’s appropriate to demonstrate our love to the minhag…
שאלה: ע"פ פשטות ההלכה נראה שההקפדה לערוך כפרות באשמורת הבוקר הוא דווקא בנוגע להשחיטה (שלכאורה זהו עיקר ענין של כפרות). האם יש ענין ע"פ הלכה גם לעשות את הסדר…
Question: I see that according to the Alter Rebbe, the best time to do Kaporos is Erev Yom Kippur, at Ashmores Haboker. Being that I have young children at…
The good year was sealed on Yom Kippur for you amongst all Yidden. We do Daven extra on Hoshana Rabba for more brachos. Give some extra Tzedaka and say…
At least one chicken must be Kashered properly etc., so that the Brocha on the Shechita should not be in vain. Regarding the additional chickens, it is not permitted…
Friday with chickens is preferred. שהרי "כל עשרת ימי תשובה זמן כפרה הוא" (פרמ"ג סי' תר"ה א"א סק"א, ערוה"ש ס"ה, משנ"ב סק"ב, ועוד). ובעלי חיים קודמים למעות, מנהג…
אשמורת הבוקר הוא האשמורה האחרונה של הלילה. י''ב שעות של הלילה - משקיעת החמה עד נץ החמה מחולקת לג' משמרות של ד' שעות זמניות כל אחד. מקורות: ראה…
Q1. Does a pregnant woman need to do Kaparos on behalf of the fetus? A. A pregnant woman uses two chickens and one rooster. She uses the plural formula…
Question: The way Kaporos is done these days it looks like there’s a lot of tzar balei chaim going on. Therefore I ask, why are we so makpid to…
In my specific situation, a Jew will for sure not eat since the only person who is available doesn't have Hoda’ah (even though he learned and Shechted many chickens…
Yes. They should say: "זה חליפת (your name) זה תמורת ... זה כפרת ... זה התרנגול ילך "למיתה ו... ילך לחיים טובים ולשלום. Sources: כתר שם טוב גאגין…
You do with money the same you would with a chicken, just instead of saying "ze hatarnegol yeleich l'misa" you say "eilu hamo'ois teilachna litzdoko" ("אלו המעות תלכנה לצדקה").…
Being that no other chickens are available, the men should prefer the use of a hen over money or fish. If wanted, you can in addition do it on…
Ashmores Haboker is the last Mishmorah of the night. The 12 night hours - from sunset to sunrise - are divided into three Mishmaros of 4 Halachic hours each.…