Question: Is there an inyan to have a modern-day toilet built in a way that the direction of the length of the toilet seat is North to South and…
Question: Is there an inyan to have a modern-day toilet built in a way that the direction of the length of the toilet seat is North to South and…
Question Continued: I am a firm believer in saying Yechi after Davening etc. but was wondering if saying it by Pesichas Ha'aron is problematic from a Halachic perspective and…
Question Continued: (I.e. do we hold of the כלבו referenced in אג"ק ח"ח ע' רסו, that one should only reveal his age through a lengthy mathematical calculation?) Answer:…
Question: Is there room to answer a question untruthfully if you are embarrassed to share the truth? In a case of casual conversation where no one is being affected…
Question: I want to write a Jewish magazine a letter in response to one of their articles. However, I want my identity to be thoroughly concealed. May I make…
What is the reason that with regards to relations with one's wife, one is allowed to have thoughts of Torah? Seemingly, he isn't in a modest state? According to…
Question: If someone was raped at 4 years old and at 12 years old, are they still considered a virgin? I know physically they are not. But spiritually, are…
שאלה: מה שאסור (ע"פ הזוהר והובא להלכה) שהאישה לא תניק את התינוק אחר התשמיש, למשך זמן של כדי הילוך שני מילין, ואם התינוק בוכה, מיל אחד - מה לגבי…
האם רק בלימוד (כהמובן בפשטות ממתני') ובתפילה (ראה אג"ק חי"ג ד'תקב), או גם בעניני חול וכו'? תשובה: לא הובא ברמב״ם ברי״ף ובשו״ע וכו׳ וגם לא נזכר בפוסקים. ואינו…
Not an issue. מועתק בזה מחוברת לקט הלכות בענינים השייכים במיוחד בימי הקיץ, שיצא לאור ע"י הבד"צ: אמרו חז"ל (פסחים ב, א. וראה שו"ע אדה"ז סי' קי ס"ט)…
Many communities have the custom of saying Nishmas every day during davening. Although some say it should not be said on weekdays under ordinary circumstances, if someone made such…
Question: In light of the current social upheaval (rioting and looting, and especially against white people, not to mention antisemitism), I am considering learning how to shoot a gun…
Question: I have internet at home and my friends also do have social media. Some have the TAG filter on their devices and some not. (We don’t need it…
Question: I'm contemplating starting a career initiative in partnership with my employer in teaching hacking (penetration testing) in order to give people a direct path to a cybersecurity career…
No. P.S. He may however sell the dog to a non Jew, and have that non Jew instruct another non Jew to neuter it (and then buy it back). …
The Rebbe once mentioned that many siddurim have it printed before davening and explained why this is so. Nonetheless, it’s not brought in our siddur and isn’t our minhag.…
Question: Hi, I just heard that there is a perspective that people should pay their Mashpia for the time that they spend talking with them. Is this true in…
Question: This is more of a "Chassidishe Rav" question, as opposed to an actual Sha'ala in Halacha. It is known that in the early years the Rebbe was shollel…
Prominent Rabbanim have released statements against it. Sources: ולהעיר משו"ת דבר שמואל קכג למהר״ש אבוהב והובא בבאה״ט סוסי׳ תרצו, רוח חיים שם, בית עובד דיני דיני סעודת פורים…
A woman should not indulge herself with matters which arouse erotic thoughts. From the verse “do not stray after your heart and after your eyes…” – we derive that…