Question: Someone purchased their personal home 20 years ago and recently sold it for several times the original amount paid. Does one need to give Ma'aser from the profits?…
Question: Someone purchased their personal home 20 years ago and recently sold it for several times the original amount paid. Does one need to give Ma'aser from the profits?…
Question: My mother is in the hospital for a week already and we don't know when she will come home yet. All siblings have been taking turns to visit…
Question: Hi, I have a family member that lent me money a while back and is currently in need of tzedaka. While I don't have extra money beyond our…
Question: Is it okay to participate in a raffle for a Tzedaka organization. It has all the elements of a gambling game. For the participants and for the organization.…
Question: Many donating platforms offer free processing for the organization that is collecting money, and the ask the people donating to leave a tip or pay for the processing…
Question: I give $1000 to an organization via credit card. Credit card charges $25 as a processing fee. So the organization receives $975. Assume I pay my card in…
כשמוכרים בית בכדי לקנות בית חדש לצרכי מגורים, והריוח שיתקבל מושקע בבית החדש - אין צורך להפריש מעשר כספים. אבל אם מכרו את הבית עבור צרכי ביזנס - הרי…
Full Question: On Purim I made a donation online for Matanos L'Evyonim, and it seemed not to go through so I did it again, and later found out that…
Question-continued: (Obviously with prior stipulating that if any of the ma'aser/principal/capital will get lost in the process of investing I will nevertheless make sure to give that amount to…
Question continued: Should it be when the price goes up? When it’s sold? Does Maaser need to be given before one invests it in another stock? Or should it be…
Maos Chitim was originally instituted as a tax on every person to help those that are in need for Pesach with wheat or Matzos. Over time it has been…
Question continued: I owe money to a friend of mine, and also to a Shul which I pledged money to. I don't currently make enough money to pay them back…
Question continued: I have a family Simcha, and a family friend who is in a tough financial situation is a keyboardist, but he is very overpriced. Can I use Maaser…
A Ben-Noach that does a Mitzvah which has a positive effect on himself or on the world around him, like giving Tzedakah, will indeed be rewarded. However there are…
Yes, some Maaser funds may be used to give an interest free loan. (When doing so, it is best that you have this in mind when separating the Maaser.) In…
No. As it is an obligation on the children and one may not pay for an obligation with Masser. Sources: ראה שו"ע יו"ד שמה, ב. ובבית הלל שם…
Question: I'm a Shliach. I happen to be friendly with a handful of generous Yidden around the world, and I occasionally ask for their financial support of the Chabad…
Question: The Rebbe often speaks about giving "כמה פרוטות" - several prutos to Tzedakah before davening. If the halachic value of a pruta is 3 cents, does that imply…
Question: I have a old set of Seforim and I would like to replace it with a new set. Can I buy the new set (fully or partially) with…
Question: If I am volunteering and taking kids out who have a sibling in the hospital, can I use Ma'aser money to pay for the kids' entertainment / treats?…