Question Continued: If yes, may I begin putting away Ma'aser money now before I need to pay tuition so that when the time comes, I will have the money…
Question Continued: If yes, may I begin putting away Ma'aser money now before I need to pay tuition so that when the time comes, I will have the money…
Question: My daughter works as a designer. She was recently hired by a local mosad to provide her service for one of their events. They requested a very large…
Although one may use Maaser money to support a Torah institution, one may not use Maaser money to pay for the admission for a production. The production is made…
Answer: As per the description quoted below, it is basically donating charity in lieu of your purchase and can not be considered Ma'aser. What is AmazonSmile? AmazonSmile…
Question: I am working on writing and illustrating a book for my students. The cost of art supplies is very expensive, and I can not currently afford it. Many…
Question: I work in a yeshiva which not all the students are coming from religious backgrounds. Often students aren’t doing mitzvos because they don’t want to spend the money…
היינו למשל ליום הולדתי או ליום הנישואין שלנו, ויכתבו בתחילת הווידאו שזהו לזכות וכו׳. תשובה: אפשרי. אבל עיקר המטרה של הקדשות כאלה - לקבל זכות מסוימת, ושהצדקה תעמוד…
Question: Unfortunately, the camp my son planned to attend will not open this summer due to Corona. We already paid a little upon registration. The camp offered to return…
Question: I have reached an age where I am required to withdraw money from pension plans (RMD). The monies were invested in various funds over many decades and the…
Many shuls sell seats for Yamim Noraim. There is a discussion among contemporary poskim whether ma'aser (one-tenth of one’s earnings that is earmarked for tzedakah) may be used to…
מותר לקנות עליות בבית הכנסת מדמי מעשר כספים, ובתנאי שכך הי' בדעתו בעת קניית המצוה. מקורות: ראה ש''ך יו''ד סי' רמט ס''ק ג. ובבאר הגולה שם שאינו חולק…
Yes, Ma'aser money can be used to help with such expenses, if it can't be funded by the one responsible for them. (And being that this is regarding a…
Question: If I'm being chazzan somewhere for yomin noraim, and I'm giving them a discount, can I take from my Ma'aser to make up the difference? For example,…
Question: Can I save up Ma'aser money that I owe, and pay it later on in life (hopefully within 2-3 years from now) for my Shlichus? Or it should…
One may pay for such mitzvos with Ma'aser money. However, one must have in mind at the time of purchase that it will be from Ma'aser money. If one…
Question: If I work for an organization where I get paid on the basis of how much I work, am I able to clock less time than what I…
Question: My paychecks are usually an odd number of cents, like $365.44, so when I try to calculate Ma'aser I wind up with something like $36.54 plus 4/10ths of…
Question: I run a Chabad House and have always used the Chabad House account to pay my bills, including tuition. The Chabad House gives me (i.e. I give myself)…
Question: I have a specific pocket in my pants for Maaser, I generally give it to people on the streets who are hungry, but the money somehow fell out…
Question: I am aware of the potential issues with using Maaser money for Mitzvos or to purchase honors in shul/shul membership. Do these issues apply to Chomesh? Specifically: If…