Attached is the photo of it: Answer: May not be used. Sources: ולא מהני בדיקה כסברת הא״ר, וכ״פ בערוה״ש תרמח, ג. וכ״מ בשו״ע אדה״ז תרמח, ב. וידוע…
Attached is the photo of it: Answer: May not be used. Sources: ולא מהני בדיקה כסברת הא״ר, וכ״פ בערוה״ש תרמח, ג. וכ״מ בשו״ע אדה״ז תרמח, ב. וידוע…
המנהג לאגוד הלולב בערב החג. האם גם ליל ערב החג בכלל?
כן. אבל המנהג בערב יום טוב ממש. וגם אחרי חצות. מקורות: ראה בשיחת יג סוכות תש״ו שי״ל ז״ע - אחרי מנחה. ובסידור האריז״ל לר׳ שבתי צז, א -…
Question: I do a lot of street-mivtzoim throughout sukkos and at times when people are rushing I tell them just to hold the lulav and esrog together. Sometimes they…
Question: I understand that a Lulav is nifsal if נקטם ראשו even משהו. Dealing with many Lulavim I always come across some that I'm not sure about. To break…
Question: Is it an inyan not to have a fancy lulav bag (and a fancy Esrog box)? If yes, is it for the same reason that we don’t decorate…
We do not make שהחיינו on an Esrog, especially esrog jam. Sources: שאינו ניכר אם הוא משנה זו לפי שדר באילנו משנה לשנה - יפ״ל א, או״ח רכה,…
In other words, can I go and cut many Hoshaanos from one branch of a willow? Answer: If the tip is chopped off it is not valid. רמ"א…
Strictly speaking, there is no need to do so, unless there’s a concern it might get ruined otherwise. Still, if they wish to follow the common custom of shaking…
No. But if one did so they are Yotze Bedieved. Also, if that is the only time they will end up shaking Lulav, it may - and should -…
There’s no need, in general, to do so only on the first day, and in chutz laaretz, the second day. Nonetheless, the Chabad custom is to do so throughout…
Question: If I'm on Mivtzoim and I ask someone to shake Lulav and he doesn't want to, it's he yotzei if I tell him to "hold my Lulav for…
A quote from the Day-To-Day Halachic Sukkos Guide: The father of a boy who knows how to shake the lulav according to its laws is obligated to purchase a…
It is the Chabad custom to add multiple Haddasim to the standard three, adding at least another three. The greater the number of additional Haddasim, the better. In Sefer HaMinhagim page…
I have a family relative that was Litvish and is becoming Chabad. He wants to add Extra Hadasim on his Lulav like The Chabad Minhag is, but his direct…
No. Sources: חיי״א קמח, י. זכר יהוסף או״ח רכז. שד״ח ד מינים ג, יח. משנ״ב תרנא, לג. שו״ת משנ״ה יא, תקכ. רבבות אפרים א, תכא, כו. ודנו בזה…
May be discarded in a respectful manner (such as placing it in a separate bag before putting in the garbage). Best to use it for another Mitzvah, such as…
It is customary [and best] to burn the Hosha’anos with the Chametz. It is however permissible to throw it out in the garbage in a separate bag. Sources: .ראה…
Once Sukkos has passed, the Schach may be used for any purpose, although it is appropriate to avoid stepping on the Schach or using it for a disrespectful purpose.…
It is still Kosher as long as the top two leaves as well as most of the leaves are still intact. If the top two leave aren’t intact, it is…
אם השאלה שלך במקרה שמישהו לא רוצה לברך אבל מוכן הוא לקחת הד' מינים בלי הברכה - התשובה שעדיף לעשות בלי ברכה משלא לעשות כלל (אבל בודאי צריכים להשפיע עליו…