Question: If the Minyan is saying Birchas Hachodesh and you don't know when the molad is, is it preferred to say it later on, after you can find out?…
Question: If the Minyan is saying Birchas Hachodesh and you don't know when the molad is, is it preferred to say it later on, after you can find out?…
Question: If one thought it was Rosh Chodesh when it really wasn't, and mentioned yaleh vyavo in shmoneh esrei, does he need to repeat shmoneh esrei? Answer: There…
Question: What exactly does the Siddur mean when it says (before the Bracha of Kiddush Levanah) to look at the moon once and then don't look at it, is…
It is unclear whether it’s recited. In practice, one should recite it. Sources: במחזור השלם נדפסו פסוקי אל תירא וכו', וכ״ה כבר בהוצאת תשי״ג - ומצו״ב - שעברה…
Yes. In fact, there is a Minhag to pass one's finger over one's teeth while reciting the words "כך לא יוכלו כל אויבי לנגוע בי לרעה". Sources: בכלל, זהירות…
Yes, Ya'aleh Ve'yavo is said on both Amidas in such a case. Source: Shulchan Aruch Harav 108:14 #9626
Question: Today is Friday. The last time to say Kiddush Levana this month will be on Motzai Shabbos. It looks like there will not be a Levana then. Can…
One may not cut his/her nails on Rosh Chodesh, but may paint them, etc. There is room to be lenient about filing too. In regards to your specific question,…
Question: I need to take an anti body test in order to get to Yeshiva. The later I take it, the later I can go back. One of my…
It should not be done. If the nails are large and need to be cut, they should be cut regardless. Sources: לכאו׳ י״ל שתלוי אם הוא משום דדמיא…
Question: Bochurim who are being יוצא from הבדלה in Shul, should they first say ויתן לך and then say קידוש לבנה or vice versa? Answer: Right after Havdalah,…
Question: When saying Hallel I have adopted the Chabad minhag of repeating "Hodu lashem" (first passuk of kapitel 117) after the first 4 verses. But I recently read in…
Q. What does one do by Kiddush Levana regarding Sholom Aleichem if he's saying it alone and there's no one else around (or there's less than 3 people around)?…
Yes. Sources: מהטעמים למנהג זה - עי׳ פרישה באו״ח סי׳ תכ״ו ס״ק ג׳ ובמג״א ס״ק י״א שלאחר שקילל ג׳ פעמים תפול עליהם אימתה וכו׳ ראוי לומר לחבירו לא עליך כי אם שלום…
It depends: if you are wearing a talis kotton and you put back on the Tallis within a few hours (even if you have not intended to do so…
Kiddush Levanah can only be recited after tzies hakachavim. Sources: עיין רמא סימן תכו סעיף א ומשנ״ב שם סק״ב. להוסיף, שבכ״מ המנהג שאחרי מעריב הולכים הביתה וחוזרים אח״כ לקידוש…
No. But if one remembers before saying Hashem's name at the end of the Brocha ("Boruch Ato..."), he should go back and mention "Vezochreinu..." and continue from there. …
Question: We are making a production in two days and we need to sew some more costumes, is there a way we can be allowed to sew on Rosh…
Question: Sunday - Erev Rosh Chodesh is still within the first year, and we were told not to visit before 12 months' end. Monday - Rosh Chodesh, one doesn't…
The dedicated team of Rabbonim at AskTheRav would like to wish you a Gut Chodesh Elul! “The King is in the field . . and displays a benevolent countenance…