Question: In Igros Kodesh (Vol. 20 page 177) the Rebbe brings candy as an example for Mishloach Manos. My question is, doesn't the מנה need to be a כזית?…
Question: In Igros Kodesh (Vol. 20 page 177) the Rebbe brings candy as an example for Mishloach Manos. My question is, doesn't the מנה need to be a כזית?…
Question: In the Shul I’ll be in this Purim they put out a basket for people to give Tzedaka on Purim morning. There are none in the ladies’ section.…
האם מותר לאבל לרקוד בפורים או עכ”פ (אם יש חילוק) בשעת הסעודה?
אין לאבל לרקוד וגם בשעת הסעודה. אבל מותר לו לרקוד מעט בביתו ביחיד, אם דרכו כך בכל שנה. אם מדובר באופן שמניעתו מלרקוד תתפרש כאבילות בפרהסיא, כגון במקרה שרגיל לרקוד בפרהסיא…
Yes, from Plag HaMincha. Sources: שולחן ערוך תרצב, ד. מי שהוא אנוס קצת ואינו יכול לילך לבית הכנסת וצריך להמתין עד אחר שקראו הקהל וקשה עליו לישב בתענית כל…
Question: May I eat or drink before hearing Megillah, once the fast is over, since I'm helping shluchim, and they may wait a while before reading the megillah after…
Hi, I'm a single mother and I have some Purim questions: How much do I give for Matanos Levyoinim and Machatzis MaShekel? ▪ Matonos levyonim- min. a Shave…
Usually, the custom is to eat this meal after Minchah in the late afternoon, since we are busy with reading the Megillah, giving out matonos l’evyonim and mishloach manos in the morning. The…
It will likely be consumed by that yid and his non-Jewish family. Answer: Lechatchilah it would be best to give only foods and drinks that won't create problems…
Question: Some times the Rebbe said that there is the gezeira against Mashke on Purim regarding Bochrim and sometimes the Rebbe said that there is no gezeira. What should…
Yes. Some Sefardim are mehader to use Sefardi Sefer Torah and baal korei (and vice versa), but this isn’t me’akev, it not something that is necessary. ראה שו״ת…
Also, can they directly pass items purchased for each other? Answer: It’s permitted to pass items to each other, if not done with the intention of gazing at…
This is permitted, though it is obviously better to learn the Megillah ahead of time to properly fulfill the Mitzvah. Also, while doing so, one must take caution that:…
Question: Does this cape (for my 12 year old son's for Purim costume) need Tzitzis? Answer: You should explicitly say that you are only lending it to him…
Yes, there is room for such a hiddur. ראה לקט יושר ע׳ 153 שהתרוה״ד אמר ליקח ס״ת לפרשת זכור שהיא מוחזקת שהיא מדוייקת. והכי נהוג בכ״מ להשתמש בס״ת…
Is it required? To what extent? Are there restrictions or qualifications? Answer: Our Sages state that “one should drink wine until one reaches the point where he can…
Yes. Clean your mouth and teeth very well afterwards. Sources: בשו״ת דבר משה אמאריליו מז, לאכול רק מרק של בשר. והועתק גם בכה״ח תרצו, נה. אבל ראה א״א…
Question: Does Matanos L'evyonim need to be money? In the Badatz Purim guide it says "money or Shove Kesef". Can I take the amount I was going to send…
Question: Practically, what are ways one can fulfill the Mitzvah of Matanos La'evyonim on Purim, who is considered an Evyon? What is the best way to do it? Answer:…
Yes, if you cannot afford to do it with your own money. It remains always Mivtzoim’s possession. It is important to inscribe somewhere who the real owner is. …