Question: I saw somewhere that R' Avrohom Chaim No'eh writes that one who goes off a bed even if he did not actually sleep still has to wash his…
Question: I saw somewhere that R' Avrohom Chaim No'eh writes that one who goes off a bed even if he did not actually sleep still has to wash his…
בענין הליכה ד’ אמות קודם נטילת ידים
שאלה: ידועה החומרה מדברי הזהר שלא לילך ד"א קודם נט"י בבוקר. רציתי לשאול מהי דעת אדמו"ר הזקן אם הלך לישון בלא ציצית ואין לו מים ליטול מהם ידיו לידו,…
Question: In general, while we are particular to beli neder wash the kids hands nagel vasser each morning, how careful do we need to be about them touching things/food/eyes…
Question: It is written in Shulchon Aruch that Netilas Yadayim is required for touching Mekomos Hamechusim. In modern day, what is considered Mekomos Hamechusim?. Is it different for men…
Question: When one wakes up in middle of the night to use the bathroom and then is planning to go straight back to bed without saying Berochos, should he…
Or is there some tumah in there which is not appropriate for the food? A. It may be done. Q. Any reason to refrain? A. No. Some…
After the fact, it’s fine. Obviously one should avoid having it under the bed. Sources: בעובר אורח להאדר״ת ד נסתפק בדבר. אבל ראה שו״ת פסקי תשובה א, א…
Question: If one put a finger in their negel vasser, or something fell inside, or someone touched the water, can one use this water for negel vasser of the…
Question: Sometimes I come out of the bathroom and after washing three times on each hand, there are no paper towels to dry my hands with. Is there an…
Question: Is it l'chatchila better to use a kvort for washing your hands if the option of using a spring to dip your hands in is available or does…
אם נגעו בטעות במים שבנטלה לפני הנטילה (אחרי שירותים) האם צריך למלא מים חדשים?
לא צריך. והרוצה להחמיר יחמיר. מקורות: ראה שו״ע אדה״ז קס, ו שלא נעשו שופכין בנגיעה בטעות. (וגם בנגע בכוונה לנקות ידיו - היינו רק במים שבחפניו ולא במים…
Question: I have accustomed myself to cover any skin all the way up the sleeves all the way to my wrists, even though I know it’s permissible for men…
Also what about other mitzvos that are usually done with the right first like negel vasser? Answer: A lefty who is left footed should put on his left…
Question: We wish to build a wall in our bathroom, between the toilet and sink. What is the minimum height that wall can be, in order that the sink…
Question: Sometimes kids decorate Negel Vasser sets with their names on it. Many people store their Negel Vasser sets in the bathroom. Is it a problem bringing the set…
Question: Do the halachas of a bathroom, such as using the water for Negel Vassar, or drinking the water etc. apply to a new, fully renovated bathroom that has…
Lechatchila you should designate a bowl that would be used for Negel Vaser only. If it happened and you used a bowl that is used for food for Negel…
Question: Does a person who is suffering from a life-threatening illness (can hardly take care of their own basic needs, for example, can’t use the bathroom without assistance) need…
Question: What is the step by step “protocol” in terms of saying modeh ani, washing nagel vasser, reciting birchos hashachar, or any other pertaining halachos, when waking up in…
Question: When waking in the middle of the night, we wash negel vasser. Are we also supposed to say Modeh Ani, or is that only when waking in the…