Haeitz. קצוה"ש סי' מ"ט סי"ז. #11186
Haeitz. קצוה"ש סי' מ"ט סי"ז. #11186
Although one may not plant certain types of Kilayim, one may eat them. In fact many of the common fruits in America are originally Kilayim. If this is the…
There is a debate among poskim whether the brachah of Shehecheyanu, which is said before eating a new fruit, may be said if the fruit is a murkav, grown on a tree that is kilayim (one…
Regarding Negel Vasser: He should wash the other hand and whatever possible on the wounded hand (at least the fingers if possible). חמור נטילה זו מנטילה לסעודה, וכדברי אדה"ז…
If I cooked pasta, then drained the water, then put cottage cheese and tomato sauce and warmed it up in a pot, is there a question of Hamotzei? …
Sushi consists of rice and fish; there are many types of sushi, but for this discussion we will address only one type, nigiri, which consists of fish and vinegared…
Shehakol. סבה"נ ז, כב - כד. #10917
The Bracha on pancakes is Mezonos. However, if one is eating to their full, even if the satiation comes from other foods eaten together with the pancakes, or if…
No. But if one remembers before saying Hashem's name at the end of the Brocha ("Boruch Ato..."), he should go back and mention "Vezochreinu..." and continue from there. …
Yes you say על נטילת ידים even though you wash only one hand. Sources: חיי״א מ, יח. שו''ת זבחי צדק ח''ב בסופו או''ח סי' יג, ושו''ת רב פעלים…
Depends; If it’s the type which is eaten as a substitute for bread, the bracha is certainly Hamotzi. Even when eaten as a cracker for noshing purposes, it would still be…
Due to the issues involved with Mezonos bread, I try not to eat it. However, at times, it is the only available option. I would prefer to wash and…
If its made with flour and water - same as crackers. Salt doesn't make a difference (because it's not in the dough). But many small snack pretzels are made…
No, unless it's eaten at the same time as the bread. Sources: בסברה״נ פ״ב ה״ג שכשאוכל הפת עם לפתן המשביע מצטרף לשיעור שביעה. ובפשטות, ר״ל שלא כ״ד מצטרף…
Hamotzie. Best to eat within a meal to avoid all doubt. If it's with spices there is room to be lenient and make Mezonos. See also Halacha2go.com #189 for…
This depends on the process used. The process would determine what is the correct Bracha. If the process is that it remains as corn and it is steamed, the…
Hamotzie. Sources: See Seder Birkas Hanehnin 2:13 as to what would make it change to Mezonos. #9955
No. One should avoid smelling it due to a question of a Bracha. Sources: ע״פ סדר ברכת הנהנין יא, א. וכן המנהג שלא לברך. והרי בכ״מ שיין אינו…
No, because the Bracha of Shehechiyanu for Tzitzis is for the clothing of it, not the Mitzva, and a Tzitzis is not (generally) considered an important garment in this…
תשובה: אם הפרי אינו מצוי בכל השנה (אף שאפשר למצוא באיזה מקום) או שאפי' מצוי אך ניכר שהוא חדש, יש לברך שהחיינו. מקורות: שו''ע או''ח רכה, ו ובמג''א…